Future Human Evolution - Article on eugenics in the twenty-first century. - http://www.whatwemaybe.org/
Shattering the Myth of Racism - Free e-book in Microsoft Word 2000 format. It discusses the issue of racism as an anti-empirical ad hominem and suggests that it be replaced by ethnocentrism or xenophobia. - http://home.comcast.net/~neoeugenics/Shatter1.pdf
Ancient Eugenics - Written in 1913 by Allen G. Roper. An essay that explores eugenics from pre-history to its roots in the classical philosophical era of Socrates and Plato. - http://www.plausiblefutures.com/index.php?id=54552
Abortion and Eugenics - Alleges a connection between modern legalized abortion and the specter of eugenics, and argues for eugenics roots of the pro-abortion movement. - http://www.swiss.ai.mit.edu/~rauch/abortion_eugenics
Eugenics Discussion Forum - A discussion forum on yahoo egroups that focuses on the historical and scientific aspects of eugenics, genetic engineering, biotechnology and bioethics. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/e-l/
Molecular Biology of Paradise - Genetic engineering and nanotechnology will abolish suffering in all sentient life and usher in a new era of higher consciousness and existence. - http://www.paradise-engineering.com/
Prometheism Discussion Forum - A discussion group for members and potential members of the new secular eugenic religion of prometheism. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/prometheism-pgroup/
Stalking the Wild Taboo - Socio-political scientists addressing the contemporary thought taboos of race, eugenics and evolution. - http://www.lrainc.com/swtaboo/
Visions of Perfection - Explores the various ways that the human race has attempted to create and achieve human perfection through philosophies and technologies of the past century that embraced eugenics. Topics range from eugenics and genetics to cosmetic surgery. - http://library.thinkquest.org/27648/
Prometheism - A religion that promotes the coming together of intellectuals in scientific spirituality and positive eugenics to breed a new human species with a higher intellect and tribal loyalty. - http://www.prometheism.net/
Pioneer Fund - A nonprofit foundation who's purpose is to conduct or aid in conducting study and research into the problems of race, heredity and eugenics in the human race. - http://www.pioneerfund.org/
Cloning and Eugenics - A website proposing that no laws be created that would restrict voluntary positive eugenics and human cloning research when it benefits humanity. - http://www.truthtree.com/clone.shtml
Hedonistic Imperative - Outlines how genetic engineering and nanotechnology will abolish suffering in all sentient life. - http://www.hedweb.com/
Eugenics Archive - A comprehensive and historical website from the birth place of modern eugenics - the Cold Springs Harbor laboratory. The site explores the birth and demise of the eugenics movement in modern times. - http://vector.cshl.org/eugenics/
Cosmotheism - A religion that positively asserts that there is a internal purpose in existence and through cosmic evolution the universe has given humanity the means to guide their own evolution towards godhood. - http://www.cosmotheism.net/
Future Generations - Promoting a cleaner and healthier world by improving the human gene pool. Voluntary humanitary eugenics can provide our children a legacy of greater intelligence, health and a higher level civilization. The first pro-eugenics site on the web. - http://www.eugenics.net/