Australian Business Volunteers - Recruits and places business volunteers with businesses and enterprises in the Pacific and South East Asia, to assist with training, transfer of skills, and mentoring. Provides information about programs and upcoming assignments. -
Aussies Across Africa: Helping People - Young Australians will spend 8 months cycling across Africa, documenting Australian volunteers' efforts there, before returning to Australia to promote Australian volunteer efforts in Africa. -
Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) - Recruits skilled New Zealanders to work overseas as volunteers, and share skills, energy and experience. Information about programs and opportunities. -
Global Volunteer Network - Connecting people with developing communities in need. Information about volunteer opportunities with partner organizations in China, Ecuador, Ghana, Nepal and Romania. Based in New Zealand. -
Australian Volunteers International - Recruit, prepare and support Australians who volunteer to live, work and learn alongside people of other cultures in developing countries. Information about opportunities, programs and history. -
International Volunteers for Peace (IVP) - IVP is the Australian contact for Service Civil International (SCI), a world wide organisation promoting peace and justice through voluntary work. -
New Zealand Trust for Conservation Volunteers - Conservation related volunteer opportunities in New Zealand. Short and longer term available. Includes description of current projects. -