YMCA Canada
- YMCA Canada is the national body for 64 Canadian member Associations.
- http://www.ymca.ca/
Kamloops Community YMCA-YWCA - Kamloops Community YMCA-YWCA offers a variety of services for kids, families and communities. Information about services and philanthropy. - http://www.kamloopsy.org
Family YMCA of Stratford-Perth - Features adult programs, hours of operation, childcare information, services overview, mission statement, events schedule, activities, and contact information. - http://www.stratfordperthymca.com/
YMCA of Kitchener-Waterloo, ON - Adult and children's programs, camping, international understanding offered to the Kitchener-Waterloo area. - http://www.kwymca.org/
YMCA of Regina, SK - A charitable association open to all, dedicated to developing leadership and to enriching our community and people at every stage of life. - http://regina.ymca.ca/
Cumberland YMCA, NS - Offers fitness and community programs in Amherst, Nova Scotia. Information about programs and services. - http://www.ymcaofcumberland.com/
YMCA-YWCA of Saint John, NB - A membership and volunteer association committed to excellence in serving the community through the development of spirit, mind and body. - http://www.saintjohny.com/
YMCA of Sudbury, ON - A multi-service YMCA offering proactive and reactive health services, resident summer camp programs, employment services, and community programs to the Sudbury area. - http://www.sudbury.ymca.ca/
YMCA of Windsor-Essex County, ON - An independent association of volunteers and professionals whose purpose is to offer people opportunities for personal growth and service to others. In pursuit of this goal, the association provides quality programs that promote self-improvement and self- - http://www.windsor.essex.ymca.ca/
YMCA of St. Catharines, ON - A large organization serving the needs of over 11,000 men, women and children at the Walker Family Branch, providing child care for children at 36 locations and teaching adults in the YMCA's employment service programs. Other YMCA programs include Youth - http://www.stcatharinesymca.com/
YMCA of Prince George, BC - Mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to become physically fit, mentally aware, and responsible to each other and to the world community. - http://www.pgymca.bc.ca/
YMCA of Yarmouth, NS - Offers various programs and activities for youth and adults in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. - http://www.ymcayarmouth.ns.ca/
YMCA of Edmonton, AB - Serving youth and adults in Edmonton, Alberta. - http://edmonton.ymca.ca/
YMCA of Fort Erie, ON - Offering youth and adult programs, health and fitness programs, and aquatic programs. - http://www.forterieymca.com/
YMCA of Greater Vancouver, BC - A charitable organization offering english classes (ESL), accommodation, residential camping, programs for kids and youth, health and recreation, childcare, career training, and volunteer opportunities. - http://www.ymca.vancouver.bc.ca/
YMCA of Chatham-Kent, ON - Offering youth programs, adult sports, aquatics, fitness classes and child care to the people of the Chatham-Kent area. - http://www.ckymca.com/
YMCA Hamilton Burlington, ON - Believes that good health in spirit, mind and body affects not only ourselves, but our families, our communities, and society as a whole. Information about programs and services. - http://www.ymcahb.on.ca/
YMCA of Wood Buffalo, AB - Enhancing the quality of life in the Municipality of Wood Buffalo through the provision of programs and services that support the growth in spirit mind and body for everyone. - http://www.ymca.woodbuffalo.org/
YMCA - YWCA of Kelowna/Westbank, BC - Dedicated to providing opportunities for personal growth through leadership development, instructional programs, recreational outlets and healthy activities. - http://www.ymca-ywca.com/
YMCA of Cambridge, ON - Dedicated to helping individuals grow in spirit, mind, and body in the Cambridge area. - http://www.ymcacambridge.com/
YMCA of Greater Toronto, ON - Providing services to youth in Toronto, Ontario. - http://www.ymcatoronto.org/
YM-YWCA of Greater Victoria, BC - Providing services to the youth of Victoria, British Columbia. - http://www.ymywca.victoria.bc.ca/