Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
- Administers the Fulbright Scholar Program for university-college faculty and for professionals. Describes specific programs, with country and application information.
Fulbright Iraq - Scholarships for Iraqis to pursue study or teaching in the United States, build leadership skills, and exchange cultural understandings. Describes criteria and application process. -
Australian - American Fulbright Commission - Presents study opportunities in both countries, as well as information on symposia and alumni and list of sponsors. -
Fulbright Program in the Slovak Republic - Describes programs for US and Slovak citizens and institutions, with list of current grantees and annual report. [English/Slovensky] -
Polish-U.S. Fulbright Commission - News, scholarships, and information on current and past grantees. [English/Polish] -
Fulbright Commission - Argentina - Lists currently open grants, with information on past recipients and on hosting an academic or professional lecturer. [English/Spanish] -
The German-American Fulbright Commission - Magazine featuring photography and articles from grantees, guest lecture program, alumni network, and resources for applicants. In English and German. -
The Danish Fulbright Commission - Lists staff and board members, with news, current grantees, and academic counseling information. [English/Danish] -
U.S.- Norway Fulbright Foundation - Lists current grants, describes current programs, and provides information on "roving scholars", available to give seminars in Norwegian schools. -
The Turkish Fulbright Commission - Information on programs for scholars, professionals, university students, and teachers, as well as academic advising and testing links. English, with some information in Turkish. -
Fulbright Uruguay - Describes grants for US and Uruguayan citizens, with news and employment information. [English/Spanish] -
The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program - Describes award and funder opportunities, lists current grantees, and offers resources for alumni and supporters. [English/French] -
Comissão Fulbright - Brazil. Interviews, news, and blog of program participants, with description and application procedures for currently available grants. [English/Portuguese] -
The US-UK Fulbright Commission - Describes programs and advising opportunities, with calendar of events and application deadlines. -
Fulbright New Zealand - Provides education advice and administers research and study awards. Describes US and NZ university systems, and includes reports from past recipients. -
Fulbright Center - For Finnish-American academic exchanges. Describes grant programs and opportunities for study in the US and Canada, with newsletter and alumni information. [English/Finnish] -
Austrian-American Educational Commission - Gives history of the Fulbright program in Austria, with application, and information on current participants and on funding partners. [English/German] -
Fulbright Iceland - Description of available awards, language resources and testing, and news and events. [English/Icelandic] -
J. W. Fulbright Commission in the Czech Republic - Describes history of commission and current scholarship programs, with test preparation resources, description of Czech education system, and photos and reports from conferences. [English/Czech] -
The Italian Fulbright Commission - Program description and information on grants available to US citizens. [English/Italian] -
Franco-American Commission for Educational Exchange - Organization chart and annual report, applications for programs, and exchange program resources, with description of French higher education system. [English/French] -
United States-Israel Educational Foundation (USIEF) - Describes available programs in Israel and the US, with applications, study materials, and information on donating funding for scholarships. -
German Fulbright Alumni Association - Calendar of upcoming events, reports from past activities, and membership information. -
Cyprus Fulbright Commission - Provides information on study in USA and testing details. Grants for US and Cypriot students. Workshops and university fairs. -
Fulbright Memorial Fund - Designed to provide American primary and secondary school teachers and administrators with opportunities for short term study programs in Japan. Includes application and newsletter. -
The Japan-United States Educational Commission (JUSEC) - Gives history of program and current grant opportunities, with statistics and links to alumni and educational advice sites. [English/Japanese] -
Institute of International Education (IIE) - Administers the Fulbright Program and provides training and leadership development. Provides information for students, scholars, educators and professionals, with organization history and publications. -
Fulbright Web - Online community bringing together current Fulbright scholars and students, alumni, and the program's professional support network worldwide. Includes news, directory, resources, and links to Fulbright organizations. -