Widows Quest - B5 Media blog. Learning how to redefine yourself and rediscover life. - http://www.widowsquest.com/
For Widows Only - About the book and author. Also links to the MSN support group for widows. - http://forwidowsonly.com
WidowSpeak - An online resource for widows. Featuring stories of international widows, widows in the arts, news, and a photo gallery. - http://widow-speak.org/
Encouragement and Inspiration - A widow's personal website for new widows/ widowers and those on the journey of grief. - http://www.honeybee.me.uk
War Widows Association - The WWA exists to improve the conditions of War Widows and their dependants in Great Britain. - http://www.warwidowsassociation.org.uk/
National Association of Widows (UK) - A self-help organization, run by widows, for widows, that offers comfort, friendship and a listening ear to widows and unmarried women who have lost a partner through bereavement. - http://www.nawidows.org.uk/
YoungWidow.org - An interactive website and nonprofit organization dedicated to young widows and widowers. Boards, support groups and resources. - http://www.ywbb.org/index.shtml
WidowNet - An information and support resource for, and by, widows and widowers. Topics covered include grief, bereavement, recovery, and other information helpful to those who have suffered the death of a spouse. - http://www.widownet.org/
Young Widows - Discussion group of young women who have lost their husbands. Links to member pages. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/youngwidows/
Widowed - Forum/ message board for those who have lost a spouse. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/widowed/
National Association of Widows in Ireland - Provides support and help to make new friends, find a new beginning and a life full of social activities. - http://www.nawi.ie
The WAY Foundation - Membership details, merchandise, book loans, documents and support from this self-help social and support network for men and women widowed under the age of 50, and their children. - http://www.wayfoundation.org.uk/
Australian Widows - By a widow for widows, support resources for widows, helping them through grief onto recovery. - http://www.australianwidows.org
Widowed and Young - Lisa Gardemal Hennessy became a widow at the age of twenty-eight. She has written a book which chronicles her journey through her grief. - http://www.widowedandyoung.com
How Should a Widow Cope With the Loss of Her Spouse? - Anne Fielding describes the principles she learned from Eli Siegel, the great American poet who founded the education of Aesthetic Realism. - http://www.aestheticrealism.org/Widowhood_af.htm
Healing Your Heart - Monthly article with details of Carol Felvey's seminar schedule and recent book. - http://www.healingyourheart.com/
New Hope - Encouragement for those who have lost a spouse. Bi-monthly newsletter, from BC, Canada. - http://www.newhope-grief.org/
Pagan Widow - Yahoo group calling for Pagans, Witches and Wiccans to find comfort in dealing with a loss of a loved one. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/paganwidow/
Doors Close, Doors Open - Professional psychologist's book on the process of widowhood. - http://www.ucsf.edu/widowbk/
Grief Denied - A book about a vietnam widow, with prologue, summary, readers comments and ordering details. - http://www.griefdenied.com/
Empowering Widows in Development - Information and resources aimed at helping widows in developing countries, including news, legal archives, literature and events listings. - http://www.widowsrights.org/