Zonta International District 15 - Covers Michigan, USA, and western Ontario, Canada. Includes listing of clubs, district officers, events, and service projects. - http://www.zontadistrict15.org/
Zonta International District 9 - Covers Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah, and Mexico. Offers club pages with meetings and officers, forms, and general information. - http://www.zontadistrict9.org/
Zonta International District 8 - With clubs in Alaska, British Columbia, Alberta, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and western Montana. Includes clubs, committee chairs, newsletter, calendar, and service projects. - http://www.zontadistrict8.org/
Zonta International District 4 - Covers Ontario, New York and Pennsylvania. Find club and membership information, committees, and newsletters. - http://zontadistrict4.bfn.org/
Zonta International District 2 - New York and Canada clubs. Includes photos, meetings, service projects, and officers. - http://www.zontadistrict2.org/
Zonta International District 1 - Covering the Canadian Atlantic Provinces and the United States New England States. Includes board of directors, committee chairs, calendar of events, newsletters, brochures, and club pages. - http://www.zontadistrict1.org/