Ladies' Circle Nederland - Information on organization, activities, and service projects. In English and Dutch. -
Reading Valley Ladies' Circle 649 - Schedule of events, photos of activities, and how to join. -
National Association of Ladies' Circles - UK and Ireland. For women between 18 and 45. Promotes friendship through social contact at local, national and international level, and service to the community. Information on membership, officers, and events. -
Ladies Circle Switzerland - History, organizational structure, membership, and local clubs. -
Ladies Circle in Scotland - Social activities and fundraising for charity. Includes contact information and meeting times for all Scotland Circles, with national news and events. -
Ladies Circle Area 35 - Lancashire. News and photos from recent events, upcoming activities, and national conference. -
Brampton, Longtown and Border Ladies Circle - General information on membership and activities, with current and previous years' calendars. -
Area 41 Ladies Circle - Lothian and Borders. Information on social and fundraising events, meetings, membership, and local circles. -