Junior League of Greenville - Learn about this organization with over 1400 members; includes details on projects, grants, cookbooks, and news. - http://www.jlgreenville.org/
Junior League of Spartanburg - Find out about community projects, membership, meetings, events, and fundraisers such as Santa's Shop and the cookbook "Meet Me At The Garden Gate". - http://www.jlspartanburg.org/
Junior League of Columbia - Find out about Smart Matters, a family-based school readiness initiative which seeks to strengthen the well-being of area children, and other programs. Also offers information on membership and fund raising initiatives. - http://www.jlcolumbia.org/
Junior League of Charleston - Organization contributing over 50,000 volunteer hours each year in community service; find out about the Whale of a Sale, Charleston Receipts, and other fundraisers. Includes details on membership, community projects, and upcoming events. - http://www.jlcharleston.org/