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  Alabama (5)

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Junior League of Tuscaloosa Open in a new windowLink Details
- An organization of women building a better Tuscaloosa community.
- http://www.jltuscaloosa.org/

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Junior League of Huntsville Open in a new windowLink Details
- Promotes healthy educated families for a better tomorrow through direct voluntarism and fund raising via cookbook.
- http://www.jlhuntsville.com/

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Junior League of Montgomery Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides information on fund raisers and funded projects, such as the Family Sunshine Center. Includes calendar, announcements, and newsletter.
- http://www.juniorleaguemontgomery.com/

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Junior League of Mobile Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes club information, leaders, fundraisers, events, and member information.
- http://www.juniorleaguemobile.org/

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Junior League of Birmingham Open in a new windowLink Details
- Over 2200 provisional, active and sustainer member women, working with a community focus belief that the proactive involvement in the health, education, and well-being of women and children strengthens the quality of family life.
- http://www.jlbonline.com/

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