Might Pornography Cause Harm? - Anne W. Eaton's essay debates the dangers of pornography on women. - http://ptw.uchicago.edu//Eaton01.htm
Anti-Porn Resource Center - News, links, myths, books, and quotes on topics such as the childhoods of porn stars, clothing buying habits of teenagers, money, biology, and relationships. - http://www.oneangrygirl.net/antiporn.html
Andrea Dworkin on Pornography - An archive of information on Dworkin's views about pornography and the effects that it has on society and women. - http://www.nostatusquo.com/ACLU/dworkin/PornAList.html
AFA Issues: Pornography - Resources from American Family Association website on how pornography negatively affects traditional family values. - http://www.afa.net/pornography/
Evidence of Harm - A study examining pornography's relationship to rape and aggression toward women. - http://www.prtc.net/~morality/porno/research.htm
The Pornography Plague - Describes forms of pornography and documents the psychological and social effects. Also examines legal issues and provides a biblical perspective on sex. - http://leaderu.com/orgs/probe/docs/pornplag.html
Resources for Pornography Victims - Articles, resources, and links for victims from American Family Association (AFA). - http://www.afa.net/pornography/victims.asp
Victims of Pornography - Dedicated in helping and guiding victims of pornography, sexual abuse and violence associated with pornography. Includes news articles, case studies, statistics, and resource materials. - http://www.victimsofpornography.org
Pornography as a Cause of Rape - Excerpt from a book by Dr. Diana Russell, Against Pornography: The Evidence of Harm (Berkeley, California: Russell Publications, 1994). - http://www.dianarussell.com/porntoc.html