I Am DMS - A blog based on the daily life of a computer geek. Offers musings, projects, and news. - http://www.iamdms.com
iBet.pro - Personal blog covering sports betting, technology and law. - http://ibet.pro
Imthiaz Blog - Its about Imthiaz and his projects. Some articles about programming and software. - http://imthi.com
Invented Usage - Writing about literature, linguistics, culture, and media. - http://inuse.blogspot.com/
I Was Your Age Twice - Sharing jokes and humor. - http://www.iwasyouragetwice.com/
I Forgot Where I Was Going With This - One Mom's perspective on parenting, marriage, geeks, fitness, badly behaving Labradors, and vegetables. Includes photographs and recipes. - http://imhelendt.wordpress.com/
I Speak of Dreams - Liz Ditz's perspectives on parenting, learning disabilities, and early childhood education. - http://lizditz.typepad.com/i_speak_of_dreams/
iBlog - Thoughts of Reinhard Kargl, science journalist and author. - http://www.reinhardkargl.com/iBlog/index.html
Icebear.net - Written by Peter, with articles on technology and the web. - http://www.icebear.net
Informationally Overloaded - The blog about the man, Gordon McLean, covering everything and anything that floats by. - http://www.gordonmclean.co.uk/
Idiots that Pisses you Off - A personal experience with difficult people and idiots. - http://sgpidiots.blogspot.com
I Think I Thought a Thought - Ritin Tandon rambles about technology, business, economy, and life. - http://www.ritintandon.com/
Imogen Reclaimed - An exploration of self identity and self construction for one woman in the 21st Century. - http://doggerel.blogspot.com/
I, Me, Myself - Sidhusaaheb's world view - http://sidhusaaheb.blogspot.com/
Ironic Sans - Featuring innovative ideas, short films, observations on design, and an ongoing look at New York City in animation. - http://www.ironicsans.com/
I Intend To Escape And Come Back - Paul Stott examines class struggle politics, parapolitics, sports, and life in the London Borough of Hackney. - http://www.paulstott.typepad.com/
Island of Doctor Death - Commentary on life and technical articles for software developers. - http://www.islandofdoctordeath.com/
Improving My Life - Personal development blog based on an acual journey to an improved life. - http://improvingmylife.blogspot.com/
Ilan Rabinovitch's Weblog - Often covers opinions on Linux and free/open source software. - http://www.fonz.net/blog/
ImAFish - Pete White's thoughts and interests. - http://imafish.co.uk/
Insanity Rediscovered - All about him, his life and the various facets of this world that interests him. - http://sushubh.net/
iRob - Opinions of an average teenager in a not so average world. - http://www.smartonepotter.hostrocket.com/
I@m.fm - Frank Michlick's opinions and news. - http://i.m.fm/
I am a Cheeseburger - Storytelling by humorist and author Cheeseburger Brown. - http://cheeseburgerbrown.blogspot.com/
Ideas Asylum - Jamie's thoughts, ideas, musings and utter drivel. Procrastination with a purpose. - http://jamie.ideasasylum.com/
The Invisible Library - Weblog of an Open Source Librarian, in which there is no shushing. - http://sanchezkisser.com/blog/
Insurgent Muse - Writing about life with her dog Fidel. - http://insurgentmuse.typepad.com/
I Have Been Floated - Learning more and more about less and less. - http://ihavebeenfloated.org/
Information Explorer - News content focused on North Carolina, technology, and the world in general. - http://www.electronicrealitysolutions.com/InformationExplorer/
The ID Configuration - Marketing guy, IT professional and writer shares insights on technology, life, music, politics, and things he thinks he knows alot about. He also speaks in the third person. - http://mikey.i.ph/
Idiot Abroad - News and views from an American idiot in Europe. - http://www.idiotabroad.com/
Inglorion - Thoughts on games, music, computers and websites. - http://blog.inglorion.com/
I am Paul Singh - Random thoughts and experiences. - http://www.daalandroti.com/
The Infinite Dia(b)logue - Endless discussion and debate on many topics. - http://infinitediablogue.blogspot.com/
Ironcity - Sam Stein writes about American politics and entertainment. - http://ironcity.blogspot.com/
Itly Pongal Vadai Sambar - Thoughts, interests, and opinions of a typical South Indian. - http://itly.blogspot.com/
Igloolounge.net - Writing about gaming, procrastination, internet trends and fads, virtual worlds, and digital art with a twisted sense of humor. - http://www.igloolounge.net/
Infospigot: The Chronicles - The life, the times, the dribbling of an information spigot with stops in Berkeley, San Francisco, Chicago, and beyond. - http://infospigot.typepad.com/infospigot_the_chronicles/
If I Were President - Thoughts on everything - presidential or not. - http://uspresident.blogspot.com/
Ingoal's Insight - Ingo Hildebrandt covers personal topics along with sports and computer-related news. - http://www.ingoal.info/
It's a Puzzle - Writing about books, science (including chemistry, nanoscience, and nanotechnology), running, and computers. - http://geoffhutchison.net/blog/
Inauspicio.us - Blog, photo album, and software projects for a freelance professional triathlete. - http://inauspicio.us/
In My Words - Includes the opinions, ideas, observations, writings, links, and happenings of an ordinary person on an ordinary day. - http://www.mishkaop.blogspot.com/
I am a Donut - Opinionated ramblings and nonsense from a leftie, veggie, baseball-loving Brit. - http://iamadonut.blogspot.com/
In My Humble Opinion - Rrants about what is happening in technology, science computing, and the Internet. - http://ubergeek316.blogspot.com/
I Am The Rain King - Covering music, sports, politics, books, and whatever else he finds interesting at the moment. - http://jamieca.blogspot.com/
I Know What I'm Doing - Posts about random things. - http://www.iknowwhatimdoing.com/
Incurable Hippie - Ramblings and musings about love, peace, friendship, happiness, the state of the world, her life, and general ranting. - http://incurable-hippie.blogspot.com/
Impressur.com - Links to interesting websites, games, and pictures with brief descriptions of each entry. - http://impressur.com/
In Palinode's Palace - Sharing inscrutable pictures and thoughts on culture. - http://thepalinode.blogspot.com/
Intermitent Stream - Conservative views on politics and news. - http://www.chriscam.com/
IdlyChutney - Writings from Southeast Asia. - http://www.idlychutney.com/
Ibbie - Demented rantings and ravings, articles, and day-to-day drivel posted by Ibbie himself. - http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=ibbie
IPalimpsest - Product of Kate Lyons and Jenny Baum, two librarians living in New York City. - http://ipalimpsest.com/
The Idiot Behind the Iron Mask - A Malaysian chronicles his personal adventures. He also writes on some of Malaysia's social, political and legal developments. - http://www.wanzafran.com/
Innocents Abroad - European blog about politics (North American and European), economics, finance, and culture. - http://www.innocentsabroad.blogspot.com/
I Can't Even Float in Water This Deep - Postings about life and lots of paint graphics of the Fingersquad Gang. - http://outofcharacter.blogspot.com/
Idiot Programmer - Web journal on technological idiocy by Robert Nagle, a Texas technical writer. - http://www.imaginaryplanet.net/weblogs/idiotprogrammer/index.php
In High Cotton - Random thoughts, life, and rants from a good old southern boy in Georgia. - http://www.southerntwilight.com/blog/
Informage - The life, times, opinions and observations of Sean Legassick, a hacker, writer, and activist living in Cape Town, South Africa. - http://informage.net/
I Like - Little piece of web fluff with pictures and commentary about books, films, design, and other good stuff. - http://www.ilike.org.uk/
Incidents and Accidents - Personal thoughts and anime style art plus poems and geeking. - http://www.crickie.com/
Isomerica.net - Computer resources and random babblings. - http://isomerica.net/
In a Dark Time - Focusing on poetry, literature, and photography and using the arts to explore and develop a personal philosophy. - http://www.lorenwebster.net/In_a_Dark_Time/
I am Oxie Moron - Random rants and sarcasm. - http://iamoxiemoron.blogspot.com/
InkGrrl - Rants about life, writing and whatever other crap comes to mind. - http://www.inkgrrl.com/inkblog.htm
Ian's Blog - Thoughts of Ian Stenning, a young man from London, England. - http://www.ian-stenning.co.uk/blog/
iWalt.com - A personal website and community by Walt Dickinson. - http://www.iwalt.com/
iRach.com - Journalish weblog of a gal with a passion for expression. - http://www.irach.com
Ishbadiddle - An occasional report on ephemeral things, from politics to pop culture. Reports from Brooklyn to Beijing, from blogger Mike Everett-Lane et alia. - http://www.triptronix.net/ishbadiddle/ishblog.html
I.D. Flux - There's a thin line between love and hate. - http://idflux.typepad.com/idflux/
Ipse Dixit - Something that is asserted but unproved. News captions and commentary. - http://www.cdharris.net/
Ivory Tower - Jim writes about entertainment and technology. - http://ivory-tower.org/blog/index.html
Information Junk - A nearly daily dose of this and that. - http://footprints.organique.com/
Interact - The way to a man's heart is through his weblog. - http://seanmeade.blogspot.com/
I Live on Your Visits - Personal weblog maintained by "yes, it's with two e's", Derren Wilson. - http://www.iliveonyourvisits.com/
I Will Dare - Yes, there are still plenty of freaks on the internet. Among the annoyances of being a really, really tall woman, freaky men have got to be the worst. - http://www.iwilldare.com/
Interconnected - Matt Webb writes about science and technology. - http://interconnected.org/home/
Ideapad - Views, opinions, emotions, essays, and proper grammar from David Wertheimer. - http://www.netwert.com/ideapad/