Hark, Imagination! - Weblog of a postgraduate student trying to earn his keep and progress one step further into a doctorate program on the West Coast. - http://tidalripper.blogspot.com
HowSo.org - Meet Gavin and Alex - kinda like rock stars minus the whole famous thing. - http://www.howso.org/
HelenandJo.com - Tales of two English girls. - http://www.helenandjo.com/
He Said. She Said. - A married couple's pictures and news. - http://www.brenandjess.com/blog/
The Homeless Equestrian - Personal site of an environmental management major who enjoys riding horses. - http://homelesseq.wordpress.com/
Heavy Heavy Water - A repository for ideas, musings, and notions, sometimes illustrated, often impractical, almost always original, and occasionally serious. - http://t2o.blogspot.com/
Hyperbolic Tangent - The ramblings of Matthew Adie, whose interests include sports and computers. - http://www.tanh.net
HeidiandDavid.com - Features the activities, opinions, and recipes of a New Hampshire couple. - http://www.heidianddavid.com/
The HarBlog - One man's view on people, places, and things. - http://www.theharblog.blogspot.com/
How Awkward - Fantasy sports producer and amateur web developer writes about music, journalism, and movies. - http://www.mindspring.com/~jqsmooth/
The House of Cheek and Bluster - Pithy cultural commentary on today's America, marinated in yesterday's America, and garnished with silliness. - http://cheekandbluster.com/
Hidden Conspiracies - Ambitious young male from Miri writes about his daily life. - http://www.miriguy.com/
House of MIke - Writing about hockey, geocaching, and humor. - http://www.houseofmike.com/
H4x3d.com - Web designer and freelancer Julian Klewes' thoughts about politics as well as everyday situations. - http://www.h4x3d.com/
Hegemony Rules - Covers pop culture, academia, politics, and random thoughts from a grad student. - http://www.hegemonyrules.net/
How Society Works - Thoughts on the social change, social problems, and contemporary social life in general. - http://onsociety.blogspot.com/
Hannihaus - Ridiculous rants about rock stars, cats, smells, cooking, or anything else that suits her fancy. - http://www.hannihaus.com/
Heartfires - Spirituality, progressive politics, civility, and occasional bursts of goofiness. - http://heartfires.blogspot.com/
Heuristic Blog - Writing about what the author has learnt while traversing the open source world--all from a beginner's perspective, punctuated with reflections on everyday life and the arts. - http://blog.heuristicdesign.co.uk/
Have Laptop Will Travel - Discussing web design, laptops, travel, hacking, music, photos, and tech news. - http://www.havelaptopwilltravel.com/
Half Man Half Shark - Hoang Scott Nguyen keeps a journal of his everyday life transition to adulthood. - http://www.mrnguyen.com/weblog/
Hippocleides Doesn't Care - Thomas Roger Bissell III, AKA skillet shares his journal, musings, poetry, and photo albums. - http://teebiss.com/wordpress/
Hourly Daily - Matt is a strapping young man from the not-so-sleepy suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia with a love for music, movies, writing, and art. - http://users.livejournal.com/mattyo_/
The Howdy Kid Online - The life of a university student including work, school, family, and friends. - http://www.howdykid.com/
Hic Sunt Leones - Posts by a Swiss journalist based in Milan, Italy. - http://hicsuntleones.blogspot.com
Hands In The Dirt - Notes and letters from an Episcopalian gardener in the townlet, a small wooded corner of Indianapolis, Indiana. - http://handsindirt.blogspot.com/
Hyper Bird - Pictures and thoughts of Nitin Vartak. - http://hyperbird.blogspot.com/
High End Buzz - Insights into media, technology, automotive, telecommunications, gaming and the internet. - http://www.highendbuzz.com/
Hobbygeek - Joel Foreman comments of current events. - http://www.hobbygeek.com/
Hive - Sharing interests, photo albums, thoughts, and opinions on the web. - http://hive.blogs.com/
Hot Fact - Facts about anything and everything. - http://www.hotfact.com/
Hired Monkey - Humor, opinions, and rants on all current topics. - http://www.hiredmonkey.com/
Here Kitty Kitty - Talks about life and posts her artwork and graphics. - http://www.dotcomkitty.com/
Hecklejar - News of the humorous and unusual from around the web. - http://hecklejar.blogspot.com/atom.xml
Hey, You - Married Texas guy with a kid and a job writes about family and other personal interests. - http://oldsillybear.com/
Haitenshon Eroguro Japaniizu - Rants, raves and ramblings about getting through college, jrock, anime, manga and the need for money. - http://misatojaganshi.livejournal.com/
Hoping for Happy Accidents - Bit of art, architecture, design, fashion, travel, and shopping. - http://hopingforhappyaccidents.com/
How Was Your Day, Dan? - Advice and television reviews from a former cast member from MTV's The Real World. - http://danrenzi.typepad.com/stuff/
Hoarded Ordinaries - Mundane musings on nature, spirit, and time from a collector of the quotidian. - http://www.hoardedordinaries.com/
How Do You Spell That? - Just one more reason why the Internet is a waste of time. - http://www.woogieworld.org/
Heavens To Betsie - A Scot's thoughts on everything worth wasting a thought on. - http://heavenstobetsie.blogspot.com/
Have a Peek - Sharing photography and commenting on news and technology. - http://foto-cs.de/blog/
Hillside Meditations - Musings on politics, philosophy, alternative medicine, Buddhism, meditation, Linux, the internet, and literature. - http://www.west-of-house.net/hilltop/
How Did You Find That? - Sharing interesting,useful and funky websites from the online world. - http://www.bretthager.com/wordpress/
Halden Johnson.net - This is the world according to a father, husband, and geek. Usual topics cover current events, entertainment and technology. - http://haldenjohnson.net/
Head Wide Open - Includes lists, articles, music ephemera, stream-of-consciousness writings, and an exploding head. - http://headwideopen.blogspot.com/
Ham and Cheese on Wry - Where self-absorption is a good thing. - http://www.curlymcdimple.com/
Holy Mother of God - Ranting about news and life. - http://holymotherofgod.blogspot.com/
A Healthy Alternative to Work - His take on what's going on in the world with some additional material about life in the army, a few drunk stories, and of course, some biting sarcasm. - http://smokinnews.blogspot.com/
The Hangover Blog - Pictures, poetry, and stories of a minx. - http://raymitheminx.blogspot.com/
Hairball News - World news, current events, commentary on entertainment, politics, sports, business, technology, and funny stories as reported by a comedic little Bengal Cat. - http://www.hairballnews.com/
Hyperactive Librarian - The rants and howls of an ADHD boy who grew up to become a librarian. - http://adhd-librarian.blogspot.com/
The Harrison Report - Mock-news website with original headlines and links to amusing articles. - http://harrisonreport.blogspot.com/
Hot Water Bath - Life, family, politics, media and, oh yeah, canning. - http://hotwaterbath.blogspot.com/
Her Own Eyes - Thoughts of a woman who likes the color pink. - http://www.her-own-eyes.org/
HotPepper.ca Blog - Posts about search engines, web design and browsers. - http://blog.hotpepper.ca/
Half-pie - Another redundant expression of one person's total banality in a highly intermittent weblog format. Half and half; neither one thing nor the other; imperfect. - http://halfpie.net/
Hitched to Everything - The thoughts of one Robert Stribley, who plans to contribute his dispatches with characteristic infrequency. - http://stribs.blogspot.com
Hedgetoad.com - Contributing to academic bloat everywhere. - http://www.hedgetoad.com/blog.htm
Hans Kellner Dot Com - Containing photographs, stories, bicycle racing, and other tidbits of information. - http://www.hanskellner.com/
Hatchetation - Chopped and blogged in nice little chewable bites. - http://www.hatchetation.com/
Harmless Hobbies - This website chronicles activities to keep busy and stay out of trouble. - http://www.madskipper.com
Habitualchaos - Even if you're not with me, I'm with you. - http://www.habitualchaos.org/
Hidden City - Miami-based weblog, including personal information and musings, photography, and fiction. - http://www.hiddencity.net/
Heartless Wonder - Eclectic Pagan mom, all around vagrant, anal-retentive DJ, Dew addict, happily divorced (twice), fond of black roses and other girly things. - http://www.backwash.com/content.php?id=216
Harrumph - Web designer Heather Champ's journal, weblog, and photography site. - http://www.hchamp.com/
Haboglabobloggin' - An (almost) daily dose of piefke 3000 in furry English. - http://blog.p3k.org/
The Hindsight Factor - Online journal of political op-ed's and editorial cartoons maintained by an expatriot American. - http://www.thehindsightfactor.com/
Hot Links - Interesting links collected from the world wide web. - http://hotlinks.blogspot.com