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Gail Bremner Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal blog for Gail Helen Bremner, covering a variety of topics including teaching, "ologies," politics, and more.
- http://gailbremner.com

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Surviving God’s Woodshed Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal weblog of Larry Vaughn. Features personal testimony and stories.
- http://godswoodshed.com

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Genevieve's Place Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog filled with thoughts, ideas, pictures and other information
- http://genevievesplace.blogspot.com

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Glamumous Open in a new windowLink Details
- The parenting antics of a thrifty mum
- http://www.glamumous.com

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Glenjamn Open in a new windowLink Details
- Glen's personal blog. All about his travels, photography, gadgets, music and life in general.
- http://www.glenjamn.com

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Garrett's Days Open in a new windowLink Details
- Life in the eyes of a San Franciscan with links to my awesome, relaxing, interesting music.
- http://www.garrettgrimm.com

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Graham and Megan's Travel Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Two Aussies observing and commenting on different cultures from around the world.
- http://graham.cassidy.id.au

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Genius of Love Open in a new windowLink Details
- Michael Dillon is a writer and Internet Marketing expert living in McKinney, Texas.
- http://geniusoflove.blogspot.com/

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Gedanken Open in a new windowLink Details
- Vivek Kapoor's personal blog, and his thoughts about everything.
- http://blog.vkapoor.com

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Gavin Bowler Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal blog about technology, entertainment, miscellaneous stuff and life in Ballarat, Australia.
- http://gavinbowler.id.au

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G as in Good H as in Happy Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal writings from a Texas woman lawyer.
- http://goodandhappy.typepad.com/

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Goochonline Open in a new windowLink Details
- Humor columns and logs of a writer in Portland, Oregon.
- http://goochthecolumn.blogspot.com

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Get Off the Bed Gizmo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Jason and Barbi blog about personal interests.
- http://thetheriaults.blogspot.com/

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Guy's Super-Duper Weblog Open in a new windowLink Details
- An Oxford student's search for links, truth and visitors.
- http://superduperweblog.blogspot.com/

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Girls in the Bag Open in a new windowLink Details
- Filled to the brim with feminine mystique, sweetness, and light.
- http://www.girlsinthebag.com/

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Gay Librarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- The anti-adventures of a gay male librarian.
- http://www.daleprince.com/

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A Geek in Beantown Open in a new windowLink Details
- Life in Boston with her hubby, cats and a puppy.
- http://www.beantowngeek.com/

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Grant's Grunts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Random thoughts on programming, photography, and triathlon.
- http://www.grantingersoll.com

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GreenEgg Page Open in a new windowLink Details
- Collection of YouTube links, plan strange and quirky items spotted around the Internet.
- http://greeneggpage.com/

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Go Hear Us Open in a new windowLink Details
- David Good talks about his life as a disabled person in Florida.
- http://gohear.us/wp/

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German Village Media Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal weblog from Columbus, Ohio.
- http://germanvillagemedia.blogspot.com/

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The Geekbox Open in a new windowLink Details
- On a soapbox of nerddom.
- http://www.geekbox.net/

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GrinchyNet Open in a new windowLink Details
- Simple site about a simple man they call the Grinch.
- http://www.grinchynet.net/

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The Green Ribbon Open in a new windowLink Details
- News, opinion, and analysis from London Irish journalist Tom Griffin
- http://tomgriffin.typepad.com/

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The Girl In The Cafe Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tales of dutch girl chasing her dreams. Writings about life, the universe, and everything. She'd rather be happy than right.
- http://www.thegirlinthecafe.com/

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Garan Open in a new windowLink Details
- Comments on life and technology.
- http://garan.org/

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Goneskit Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dennis van Houts writes about his life, random news, and stuff found on the web.
- http://www.goneskit.com

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Geoff Holden Open in a new windowLink Details
- Discussing life and recent projects.
- http://www.geoffholden.com/

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Girlie Girl Open in a new windowLink Details
- Thoughts of a young woman making her way into the world.
- http://www.ggkimmiegal.com

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Greg Hartnett Open in a new windowLink Details
- Thoughts of internet entrepreneur, husband, father, and activist.
- http://greghartnett.com/

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The Gospel According To Rhys Open in a new windowLink Details
- Welshman from Colwyn Bay writes about his personal life, sports, and technology.
- http://www.gospelrhys.co.uk/

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Gordaen's Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing about a variety of topics from web design to politics, from cultural thoughts to miscellaneous ramblings.
- http://blog.gordaen.com/

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The Groove Open in a new windowLink Details
- Story of a (fairly new) dad, living (sort of) abroad (it's only England), trying desperately to learn to play the banjo.
- http://www.gradygroove.com/

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Gimboland Open in a new windowLink Details
- Just whatever bits and bobs happen to float around in the head of Andy Gimblett, a programmer living in Cardiff, United Kingdom.
- http://www.gimbo.co.uk/

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Geeky Girl Gabbings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Lauren likes comics, maps, and cheese samples at Whole Foods. She dislikes stupid commericals and the expression "touch base."
- http://ladamania.com/blog/

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The Glass Doorknob Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sharing creative thoughts and finds.
- http://www.theglassdoorknob.blogspot.com/

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Gyrate Dot Org Open in a new windowLink Details
- Where high-tech meets low-life.
- http://www.gyrate.org/

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Garfield Jones and Friends Open in a new windowLink Details
- All about the life and times of Garfield Jones. Discussing politics, news, poetry, sports, and just general meanderings.
- http://www.garfieldjones.com/garblog.php

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Greenjewls Open in a new windowLink Details
- California woman writes about her attempts to think globally and act locally.
- http://www.greenjewls.blogspot.com/

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German Julian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing about his life, computers, and technical topics and sharing his photographs.
- http://germanjulian.com/

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Groonk's Newsmine Open in a new windowLink Details
- Oddball commentary on computing, entertainment, and current events.
- http://www.groonk.net/blog/

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Gepflegte Langeweile Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing about gadgets, the web, books, and travels.
- http://www.gepflegtelangeweile.de/

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GlitteringMuse Open in a new windowLink Details
- Original poetry, musings, and writing about beauty, social culture, spirituality, balance, gay spirit, sex, wine, and food.
- http://glitteringstew.com/muse/

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Gordano Bruno Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sharing theoretical biology, photography, and world news.
- http://gbruno2.blogspot.com/

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Guabancex Open in a new windowLink Details
- Commentaries and sometimes humorous observations, on subjects including fashion, politics, current events, aging, women, and Caribbean culture.
- http://theguabancexblog.blogspot.com/

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Grammar Police Open in a new windowLink Details
- Kriston Gapps writes about news and culture.
- http://www.grammarpolice.net/

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Goddess Dixiblog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Standard stuff plus web development news, nerdy news, weblog news, and webcam.
- http://dixiblog.com/

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Galaxies, Universes, and Things That Spin Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal blog of e-novelist Dale N. Allen.
- http://biognome.blogspot.com

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Getting Older Is Not for Sissies Open in a new windowLink Details
- Notes and links from San Francisco long-timer. Covering art, music, books, films, and politics.
- http://judywatt.livejournal.com/

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Gareth Western Open in a new windowLink Details
- Random news, links, rants, raves and miscellanea.
- http://www.garethwestern.com/

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Goldman's Observations Open in a new windowLink Details
- Perspectives on law schools, lawyers, and life as a law professor at Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- http://blog.ericgoldman.org/personal/

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Grin and Barrett Open in a new windowLink Details
- Witty humor, cynical remarks, and deep philosophical discussion.
- http://www.mbbarrett.blogspot.com/

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GreatKingJames.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Short stories, rants, poetry, and forums designed to either entertain or piss readers off. Hopefully both.
- http://greatkingjames.com/

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Gecko's Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Jason Wells shares his finds and thoughts.
- http://people.tribe.net/geckooooo

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Geek On The Mountain Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing about life in general with the occasional review and a lean towards technology.
- http://www.slaad.com/

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Goatherding Open in a new windowLink Details
- The art and science of herding goats.
- http://goatherding.blogspot.com/

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Glog by Jon Berg Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog from Norwegian computer guy Jon Berg. Readable and straight to the points.
- http://glog.jon-berg.biz/

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Gentle Kryptonite Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal web journal of an old soul in search of direction and meaning.
- http://gentlekryptonite.blogspot.com/

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Gary Said Open in a new windowLink Details
- Gary J LaPointe talks about life, technology, blogging, movies, music, books, and the inability to get fast food served the way he orders it.
- http://garysaid.com/

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Garry's Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sharing interesting facts and links. Special focus is on knowledge management and graphic design.
- http://grjenkin.com/blog/

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Gangstas and Hugs Open in a new windowLink Details
- Social and political commentary with humorous slant. Not to mention economics lessons and a crappy comic strip.
- http://www.gangstas-hugs.com/

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The Gurgling Cod Open in a new windowLink Details
- Discussing food and current events.
- http://thegurglingcod.typepad.com/

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Grumblings from the Lower Cerebrum Open in a new windowLink Details
- The misadventures of a stay-at-home dad.
- http://spoondave.livejournal.com/

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Got Woody? Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing about traveling, airports, and randomness.
- http://gotwoody.livejournal.com/

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Groundhog Day Open in a new windowLink Details
- Personal news and commentary on whatever captures the attention of Dave Rogers.
- http://homepage.mac.com/dave_rogers/

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Got Marko? Open in a new windowLink Details
- Web, woodworking, and whatever.
- http://gotmarko.com/

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Gammelost.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Simon R. Hughes shares his interest in reading, writing, and related humanistic endeavours.
- http://gammelost.com/

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Getting There in 5 Easy Steps Per Day Open in a new windowLink Details
- Journal of Philadelphia librarian, Stacy.
- http://libgrrl.pitas.com/

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Guavalog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Titillatingly timid TypePad tenaciously trying to teem with titular alliteration
- http://guava.blogs.com/

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Geese Aplenty Open in a new windowLink Details
- Containing any number of frequently updated tracts, tirades, and textceteras.
- http://www.geeseaplenty.com/

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Godless Liberal Homo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Rants and items of interest.
- http://godlessliberalhomo.blogspot.com/

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GodboltBlog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Matt Godbolt covers his personal life, comedy web links, C/C++ development, and the odd rant.
- http://xania.org/

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GeeksMakeMeHot.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sharing her obsession with computers and unicorns.
- http://geeksmakemehot.com/

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Glitch NYC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Occasionally funny, occasionally so technical it's excessive, and sometimes even a little taboo.
- http://www.glitchnyc.com/

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Greg's Soapbox/Therapy Couch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Greg Evans shares the many things either irritate or amuse him.
- http://www.gsevans.com/blog/

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Greg Willis Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writing and photographs about travel, home improvement, and other stuff.
- http://greg-willis.com/

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GracieKnits Open in a new windowLink Details
- Newlywed grad student living in Alabama tries to make her way through her thesis and knits all the way.
- http://www.gracieknits.blogspot.com/

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The GunBlad3 Open in a new windowLink Details
- Life of a Christian living in Singapore.
- http://gunblad3.blogspot.com/

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G2007 Open in a new windowLink Details
- Life and times of Gary Brewer as he travels the world and does things.
- http://g2007.com/

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Gregz Words Open in a new windowLink Details
- Sharing thoughts and interesting web finds.
- http://words.tplace.org/

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Garfieldt's Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Writings about the best sites he finds on the web, his life, and politics.
- http://garfieldt.blogspot.com/

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Gecko Tales Open in a new windowLink Details
- Collection of short stories, daily thoughts, and pictures from Georgia writer and native Scott Thompson.
- http://geckotales.blogspot.com/

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Gemmak's Open in a new windowLink Details
- Daily ramblings of a computer and IRC addicted woman and her cats who escaped the big city for an idyllic life in rural Scotland.
- http://jmw500.blogspot.com/

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Gipsy's Musings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Weblog of a posh rat who does web design, plays SCA, and has a beautiful daughter.
- http://www.gipsysmusings.com/mt/

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Geekman's World Open in a new windowLink Details
- Collection of geeky news, culture, and creations.
- http://www.geekman.ca/

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Gauteng Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Views of a resident of Gauteng Province, South Africa.
- http://gauteng.blogspot.com/

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Gautam Ghosh on Management Open in a new windowLink Details
- Gautam's thoughts on organizations, work, people, strategy, learning, knowledge, innovation and high performance. focused on India, but spanning the globe.
- http://gauteg.blogspot.com/

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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Open in a new windowLink Details
- Adventures in the life of thirty-something Southern Belle living the life of mom/step-mom of five teenagers.
- http://finalyfree.tblog.com/

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Gideon's Bible Open in a new windowLink Details
- Advice, news, and life from anne in Colorado.
- http://gideonsbible.blogspot.com/

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GoddessLibrarian Open in a new windowLink Details
- Reading, writing and whatever else Jen McIntosh wants.
- http://goddesslibrarian.blogspot.com/

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Goofy Girl Blog Open in a new windowLink Details
- Heather shares her adventures, mishaps, and other random things she find on the web.
- http://www.goofygirl.org/

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A Girl and Her Life Open in a new windowLink Details
- A girl, two kids, a husband, some pets, some rantings, and her life.
- http://agirlandherlife.blogspot.com/

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Grokfoo Open in a new windowLink Details
- Nerd news and links.
- http://www.grokfoo.com/

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