Wong, Nai Chin - Personal information and two galleries of artwork. - http://www.mir.com.my/rb/designart/chineseart/wong/html/main.htm
Wong, Victor - Personal profile, resume, and artwork gallery. - http://parallel.park.org/Guests/Wong/index.html
Wong, Dennis S. W. - Personal profile, information on student activities, community work, research, and publications. - http://personal.cityu.edu.hk/~ssswwong/
Wong, Henry - Personal information, photos, and links to friend sites. - http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~lwong/henry/
Wong, Tien-Tsin - Personal information, research, and publication links. - http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~ttwong/
Wong, Cathy - Personal information with family information and photographs. - http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~cathyw/
Wong, Brenda - Provides information and qualifications of professional translator. - http://www.acebo.com/bwong/
Wong, Eunice - Online resume, personal information, and links for McGill University. - http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~eunice/
Wong, Bernard - Professional biography, project, and publishing information. - http://online.sfsu.edu/~bernardw/welcome.html
Wong, Kwai Lam - Research scientist at the University of Tennessee, contains personal information and links to computing sites. - http://www.cs.utk.edu/~wong/
Wong, Harris - Educational background, hobbies, and personal achievements. - http://me.lsu.edu/~hwong/
Wong, Titus - Online resume, personal links to interests and hobbies, and photos. - http://www.employees.org/~tmwong/
Wong, Raymond - Personal information with hobbies and interests. - http://www.yak.net/kablooey/bio.html
Wong, Tan - Resume and links on information for University of Florida and communications. - http://www.wireless.ece.ufl.edu/twong/
Wong, S. Simon - Professor at Stanford, includes links to publications, research and school information. - http://marco.stanford.edu/swong/
Wong, Yvonne - Personal information on hobbies and links. - http://www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~ywong/main.html
Wong, Ken - Links to Washington University of St. Louis and its courses. - http://www.arl.wustl.edu/~kenw/
Wong, Jeff - Golf course links in the Colorado area. - http://jerry.pcisys.net/~jswong/index.html
Wong, Kar-yiu - Information and links to economics and world trade conferences. - http://faculty.washington.edu/karyiu/
Wong, Harry - Dirt bike riding techniques, information, and photos. - http://www.docwong.com/dirtclin/index.htm
Wong, Dean - Links to philosophies and has a message of the day. - http://ourworld-top.cs.com/deanwong15/index.htm
Wong, Patrick - Personal and academic background with links to projects and publications. - http://technology.open.ac.uk/tel/people/wong/patrick/
Wong, Alan - Biography and contains various links to Formula One racing, Italian soccer, tennis, entertainment, recreation, utilities, engineering, and news. - http://www.glink.net.hk/~alanw/
Wong, James - Offers link to unofficial/official home page of 1996 class of Chinese International School in Hong Kong. - http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~jameswkk/
Wong, Helen - Student of California State University. Photos, statistics about visitors, and link to a local band, Nemisis. - http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~hwong/
Wong, Kam-Fai - Provides personal profile, research interests, and published papers of the associate professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. - http://www.se.cuhk.edu.hk/~kfwong/