White, Matthew - On topics of real and surreal history (with a "Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century"), and amusing odds and ends. - http://users.erols.com/mwhite28/
White, Gavin Weld - Personal information, resume, writings, and a blog. - http://www.wandreilagh.org/
White, Robert Samuel - Biography and personal writings on a variety of esoteric topics. - http://www.rswfire.com/
White, Robin - Contains pictures of mountains, answers to common objections to Christianity, and links. - http://www.robinwhite.fsnet.co.uk/
White, Patti - Personal information, interests, and links to librarian resources. - http://www.ptc.dcs.edu/teacherpages/pwhite/pwhite.html
White, Dennis - Course and research information, and photographs of family, cats, and vacations. - http://www.math.umn.edu/~white/