Webster, Will - Poetry, childhood stories, and rants. - http://community.netidea.com/willbilly/willshomepage.html
Webster, Susan - Online resume, photo galleries of family and friends, and samples of work. - http://home.adelphi.edu/~websters/
Webster, Brian - Online resume, photo gallery, and helpful Mac software. - http://homepage.mac.com/bwebster/
Webster, Corran - Assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, contains personal information, interests, and teachings. - http://www.nevada.edu/~cwebster/
Webster, Jim - Interests and vacation photographs. - http://www.woody.webster.org/
Webster, Michael - Associate professor of clarinet and ensembles at Rice University, has biography, resume, and family links. - http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~mwebster/