Quinn, Tom - Vanilla Afro - Contains quotes of the day, video clips, funny images of people with afros, poker insight, a message board, college basketball rants, and original funny t-shirts. - http://www.vanillaafro.com/
Quinn, Chris - A lawyer from Saint Louis, Missouri. Includes a blog, photographs, resume, chatroom, and technical information about the website. - http://www.quinnlawtech.com
Quinn, Kelly A. - University of Toronto at Mississauga English professor. Includes Ph.D thesis abstract, a list of conference presentations, courses taught, and on-line literature resources. - http://individual.utoronto.ca/kelly_quinn/
Quinn, Laura - Photographs of her wedding, family, and friends, poetry, and favorite links. - http://www.lauraquinn.com/
Quinn, Timothy - Information about his career as a writer, including a list of his published work, and citations that reference his published work. - http://www.timothyquinn.com/