Ormston, Colin - Fifty years of memories and images of friends and colleagues. - http://www.youmustrememberthis.co.uk
Orther, Mike - Graduate of California State University at San Marcos with a degree in High Technology Management. Includes, information about his hobby of collecting stickers, photographs, and his ramblings. - http://public.csusm.edu/guests/morther/
Ortega, Michael - Includes personal information, professional resume, and portfolio of web development and graphic design skills. - http://www.ortegaassociates.com
Oortwijn, Filippa and Anna - A photo gallery of family events and outings, a calendar of events, and various links. - http://www.oortwijn.com
Orchard, Charlie and Carrie - Features a collage of photographs from their wedding, trip to La Paz, Mexico, honeymoon in Hawaii, and of their home. - http://www.corchard.net
Orme, Matthew - Includes personal information, family, and travel. - http://www.razormotors.com/orme/
O'Donnachadha - Tir Na Og - DVDs, Science, Music, short videos, Jokes and their pets. - http://www.tirnaog.com
O'Riordan, Ciaran - A software freedom and GNU project supporter, active in building awareness and understanding of free software and in campaigns against software patents. - http://ciaran.compsoc.com/
Ondrovic, Richard - A visual description of the lives and interests of Richard Ondrovic and Lisa Varner. - http://www.ondrovic.com
Osewa, Seun - An armchair entrepreneur, a part-time software developer, and a reasonably competent Linux system administrator. - http://www.seunosewa.com/
Oakley, Tom - Design engineer's personal homepage with curriculum vitae, photos and contact details. Graduate of Cambridge and Harvard Universities specialising in engineering with medical applications. - http://www.tomoakley.net/
Olano, Ever and Jing - Features pictures, links to other Olano sites, friends and family, jokes, a megasearch page, and links. - http://www.olano.org/
O'Bryan, Pat - An author, speaker, and recording artist from Wimberley, Texas. Information on his "Your Portable Empire" Un-Seminars, products, a blog, and links to his other sites. - http://www.patobryan.com
O'Hagan, Mike - Home on W3 - Free resources for self development, all about the Clan O'Hagan including a free clan forum, his art achievements and things for sale. - http://www.mikeohagan.com
Ordog, Norbert - Photo gallery and contact details. - http://www.nordog.net
Olivo, Marco - Computer programs, activities and hobbies. Links to Milan tourism sites. - http://www.olivo.net/
Oguchi, Tetsuji - Summary of Tetsuji Oguchi in English and Japanese. Introducing culture difference between Japan and USA, topics such as development of desk-top calculator LSI, video game LSI. - http://www.oguchi-rd.com/
O'Grady, Ted - Ted O'Grady is an Agile Team Lead and Software Developer. Site includes thoughts on writing good code, a blog, and a resume. - http://www.tedogrady.com
Ohi, Debbie Ridpath - Includes personal information, pictures, and family. - http://www.electricpenguin.com/
Okorn, Michael - His work in the automotive industry, personal life in South Carolina and lots of photographs showing the natural beauty of the USA. - http://www.michaelokorn.de/index.htm
Ophuizen, Barry van - Pictures from around the world. - http://home.tiscali.nl/br_van_ophuizen/
Onurhan, Erdal - Professor at Near East University in Turkey. Current courses, and some photographs. - http://www.onurhan.com
Oliveira, Antonio J. de - Devoted to audio, pets, cars, scooters, history, art, reading and photography. - http://www.ajoliveira.com
Oliver, Robin - The Leakyboat - Robin provides a forum for opinions to those who visit the leakyboat. - http://www.leakyboat.com/
Oz, Koray - Includes his photography and short movies, with pictures from New York City, UK and Turkey. The website also includes portraits and b&w photos. - http://www.koray.co.uk
Overgaard, Thorsten - Danish family web site; features photos and news about family and friends. - http://www.overgaard.dk/index.html
Oechslin, Richard - Hobbies, photos, food and wine. - http://www.richard-oechslin.ch
Ottoni, Verinha - Photographs of friends, family and diary. Links to other artists. - http://www.verinhaottoni.com/
Ould, Peter - Church of England Ordinand studying at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. Writer, poet and sometimes a DJ. Poems, diary, and current recordings list. - http://www.peter-ould.net
Otsason, Veljo - Graduate student, with links to his writings and lectures. - http://www.cs.ut.ee/~veljoo/
Ouaki, Dan - Includes his resume, pictures, interests, jokes, and links. [In English, French, and Italian] - http://www.ouaki.com/
Ooi, James E.H. - JOLmy - Personal homepage with profile and extensive photograph gallery, plus jokes, ringtones, MIDI, and lyrics. - http://www.jolmy.com/
Oberg, Nils - Random tidbits about Nils, a favorite poem, and some pictures. - http://obergs.net/nils/
Oei, Aaron K. - Professional information and links to biography. - http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~aoei/
Orman, Joe - Offers sky photos, Star Trek, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. - http://pages.prodigy.net/pam.orman/JoeHome.html
Ohe, Tony - Tony Ohe Pictures, news, research, interests, contacts.(Irvine, California, USA). - http://www.oheweb.com
Ortman, Jake - Personal site, resume, portfolio, web log, and current projects. - http://jake.orty.com/
Ozkan, Ender - A civil engineer concentrating on wind resistant design of long-span bridges. The site provides information and links to long-span bridge design. - http://www.ce.jhu.edu/eozkan
Overs, Ron - Entrepreneur, auto enthusiast, inventor. - http://home.ix.netcom.com/~rovers/
Oskoboiny, Gerald - Personal information, travel journals and photos, free software. - http://impressive.net/people/gerald/
Othello, David - Offers personal information, freeware, and information on corrective eye surgery and Othello. - http://www.coppit.org/
Ovaskainen, Juha - His interests include traveling, chess, music, snowboarding and Finnish sauna. - http://personal.inet.fi/koti/juha.ovaskainen/
Owens, Leah - Information about the U of MN, Alpha Sigma Kappa, Creative Memories and her wedding to Andrew Calvin. - http://www.tc.umn.edu/~owen0098
O'Reilly, Kevin - A personal view of the history behind the O'Reilly family name, the history of the Staffordshire Potteries, and some personal details. - http://kevin-oreilly.com/
Ojutkangas, Mika - Radio controlled cars and a computer museum. Available in English, Swedish and Finnish. - http://koti.mbnet.fi/~oju/
Olofsson, Per - MagerValp - Geek stuff and personal information. - http://www.cling.gu.se/~cl3polof/
Ozyer, Carl - Contains topics of his personal interest, many with photographs. - http://www.earthsciences.ca/ozyer
O'Toole, Daragh - Daragh, Lorraine and Molly's homepage, with pictures of baby Molly. - http://www.daraghotoole.com
O'Hare, Ian - Information about Ian, computer games, TV shows, and F1 race car driving. - http://www.btinternet.com/~ianohare/
Olsen, Julie - Graphic and web designer. Resume, portfolio, hobbies, interests, travels, opinions and links. - http://www.julieolsen.com
Owain, Madoc - Madoc's Place - Madoc's interests include dollar coins and classic game tables (Pacman, Space Invaders). - http://www.madocowain.com
Oh, Taeho - Taeho, also known as ohhara, provides statistical information about himself, articles in Korean, and even a voice clip. - http://ohhara.sarang.net
Ouden, Alex Den - Autobiography of the dermatologist and thoughts on philosophy. - http://home.tiscali.nl/sb137765
Ogden, Steve - Cyan Artist/Animator's personal website for his Luna Entertainment project. - http://www.lunaentertainment.com
Öörni, Lasse - Lasse's site features some of his music projects. - http://www.student.oulu.fi/~loorni/
O'Hern, Tom - What he's doing, where he can be found, what he thinks is interesting in the world. - http://www.ohern.net
O'Hara, Robert J. - Evolutionary biology and the historical sciences, residential colleges and higher education reform, and New England genealogy. - http://rjohara.net/
Ooms, Alexander - Personal information, favorite books, movies and music, and a poem-of-the-month service. - http://ooms.net