Harris, Judy - Includes travel memories and links to things that interest her. - http://users.bestweb.net/~foosie/
Harris, Colin - Includes interests, articles, chat, list of his compositions and arrangements for brass band, and about the Vauxhall Senator car. - http://www.vauxhall-senator.com/
Harris, Mark - Includes London, Waterloo, and Aurora and Ontario, Canada. - http://www.start.ca/users/mharris/
Harris, Jimmy Carl - Includes personal information, publications, and photographs. - http://jimmycarlharris.com/
Harris, Doug - Includes family, dentistry, photographs, travel, and links. - http://aci.on.ca/~drdougie/dougie.htm
Harris, Brandon - Includes writings, photographs, a journal, tools, and a resume. - http://www.gaijin.com/
Harris, Greg - Life in London with Gemma, music recommendations, friends on the web and Sunday morning football. - http://www.gregharris.co.uk/