Daily University Star: Roe v. Wade Decision Takes Parental Rights from Fathers - Opinion piece by Thomas Doyle. He personally disagrees with abortion, but argues that if it must be done, then a father has a right to know and to have some input in the final decision. - http://star.txstate.edu/96/01/31/01-31-96o4.html
National Center for Men's Voluntary Fatherhood Project - Advocates legalization of choice for fathers. Believes fathers should be allowed to terminate their parental rights and responsibilities during a limited period. - http://www.nas.com/c4m/
Metro: Revenge of the Deadbeat Dads - Article about unwanted fatherhood, by Richard Sine. - http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/11.14.96/cover/dads-9646.html
Men's News Daily: What 'Choice' Do Fathers Have? - Article by Isaiah Flair discussing the right of fathers to have a voice in the abortion decision. - http://mensnewsdaily.com/archive/f/f-misc/flair122403.htm
Salon: A Man's Right to Choose - Article by Cathy Young discussing men's reproductive rights, especially with regard to abortion. - http://archive.salon.com/mwt/feature/2000/10/19/mens_choice/index.html
Abortion: When Fathers Can't Protect their Children - Discusses a father's legal rights in the abortion decision, asserting that state governments intervene in a private situation to ensure that the abortion occurs. Commentary by Jeffery M. Leving. - http://www.dadsrights.com/ed10.html
Men and Abortion - Testimonials of fathers whose children have been aborted. - http://www.priestsforlife.org/postabortion/postabortiontestimonymen.htm
Men and Abortion: A Clash of Faulty Rights - Fathers should not make the final abortion decision, but should be notified and given a chance to plead with the mother, according to sociologist Arthur Shostak. - http://www.menweb.org/abortion.htm
Planned Parenthood v. Casey - U.S. Supreme Court opinion in 1992 decided that government may not require that a husband be informed about an abortion, even after the abortion, because that prospect might deter a woman from ending her pregnancy. - http://laws.findlaw.com/us/505/833.html