Fatherlessness - Page discusses the impact of fatherlessness on children, families and society. - http://fathersforlife.org/
Brutal Custody Issues of a Divorced Father - Site for the education and betterment of divorced parents, advocating two-parent households. - http://www.abs-comptech.com/custody.html
Courts creating fatherless families - A father's story of his fight with the judicial system to stay in relation to his daughter. - http://www.puterdocs.com/sspage
Angry Harry - Information and resources for activists campaigning for men's rights in Scotland and around the globe. - http://www.angryharry.com
Canadian Fathers - Resources for fathers fighting the unjust legal system in Canada; including articles, stories, discussion forums, and chat. - http://www.bein.com/fathers/index.html
Ex-fathers - A group of people concerned about and active in correcting the abuse of Canadian fathers in marital separation. - http://www.glen-net.ca/ex-fathers/
BC Fathers - Resources and information for divorced fathers in British Columbia, Canada. - http://www.fathers.bc.ca