Wilson, Dorothy - My Soapbox - Columnist and seniors' activist offering articles on a wide range of issues. - http://www.seniorsoapbox.com/
Levin, Meyer - Shares stories, jokes, and pictures. As a Russian Jewish immigrant, he discusses coming to America, his life, family, and serving in World War II. - http://www.meyerlevin.com/
A Cranky Ol' Lady Goes a'Blogging - Comments on films, teaching college biology, yoga, aging, long-distance marriage, travel, and diving. - http://crankyoldlady.silkpuppet.com
Bennett, Ronni - Time Goes By - The author explores what it is really like to get older and shares her thoughts about current issues. - http://www.timegoesby.net/
Weatherstone, William (Diesel Gypsy) - A Canadian trucker's 50 years, and millions of miles over the road along with photographs and stories. - http://www.thedieselgypsy.com/
Rockingham Remembered - Collection of childhood memories, nostalgia, personal stories, and the history of growing up in a small North Carolina textile town. - http://www.rockinghamremembered.com/
Help Me, Bubby! - An 88 year old grandmother shares her wisdom and gives timeless advice in answer to your questions. - http://www.helpmebubby.blogspot.com/
Woodgate, Ralph - Offers 70 years of memories from school in the twenties through World War II, emigrating to the USA and world travel as a consultant. - http://users.rcn.com/woudyet
Heirloom Stories from the Harnessmaker's Son - Jack Kamen shares family memories and explains how storytelling can be a source of health and happiness for seniors. - http://www.heirloomstories.com/
The Good Deeds - A couple whose message is don't wait too long to retire. Describes their inspiration from country living, traveling, bluegrass festivals and gospel music. - http://www.thegooddeeds.com/
The Gathering of the Wisdom People - A multi-media exhibit on aging. Through memories, stories and insights from the elders of our time we gain the wisdom to live a life of courage, purpose and meaning. - http://www.wisdompeople.org/
Life of A Retired Japanese - The author shares his memories of foreign travel and his thoughts on planning for retirement, learning English and developing computer skills. - http://www005.upp.so-net.ne.jp/yama24/home.htm
Stewart, John - Leith Memories - From the old port of Leith to wartime memories, Leithers unite online and renew long forgotten childhood friendships. - http://www.oldleither.com/