Hollywood Senior Center - A non-profit community organization serving older adults, their caregivers and the neighboring community through the provision of education, information, health and wellness, recreation, nutrition and social services. Located in Portland, Oregon. - http://www.hollywoodseniorcenter.com/
America's Senior Choice - A non-profit association offering information, services, and benefits to the senior market. - http://www.americasseniorchoice.com
Irish Association of Older People - Membership-based organization serving seniors by providing a voice, information, and advocacy. Includes a newsletter. - http://www.olderpeople.ie
The Hard Hat Brotherhood - Nationwide organization whose sole purpose is to get together and have some good-hearted manly fun. Includes membership information and a photo gallery. - http://www.hardhatbrotherhood.com/
National Association of Working Seniors (NAWS) - Membership organization addressing the needs and interests of working seniors with a focus on career, family, financial, health and legislative matters. - http://www.WorkingSenior.com/
Romeo Club - Retired Old Men Eating Out gives members an opportunity to meet in their community. Features local chapters. - http://www.romeoclub.org/
Perth and Kinross Pensioners Forum - Charitable organization of involved older adults supporting pensioners' rights to choice, dignity, independence and security. - http://perthandkinrosspensioners.org/
Alliance for Retired Americans - Nationwide organization of more than 3 million members focusing on issues affecting seniors. Includes a weekly newsletter and legislative analysis. - http://www.retiredamericans.org/
Older Women's Network (OWN) - New South Wales organization committed to promoting the rights, dignity and well-being of older women. Includes details and photographs of groups. - http://www.own.org.au/
Edmonton Raging Grannies - Senior ladies with a social conscience dedicated to peaceful activism and singing songs of social significance to groups in the province of Alberta. - http://clubweb.interbaun.com/grannies/index.html
Chelmsford Retirement Action Group (CRAG) - CRAG seeks to promote and defend the interests of retired people and the achievement of a standard and quality of life commensurate with their right to independence in retirement. - http://beehive.thisisessex.co.uk/CRAG
Global Action on Aging - International grassroots citizen group working on issues of concern to older people and offering research on critical emerging topics. - http://www.globalaging.org/
AARP - Organization for mature adults 50 and above in the United States. Information on health, long-term care, economic security, independent living and consumer issues. - http://www.aarp.org/
Congress of California Seniors (CCS) - California nonprofit education and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the life of seniors. News and expert commentaries on a wide variety of issues. - http://www.seniors.org/
Council On The Ageing (COTA) - Consumer organization founded to protect and promote the wellbeing of older Australians. Offers a comprehensive range of news and information. - http://www.cota.org.au/
EURAG - European Federation of the Elderly - Transnational association of senior citizens' associations promoting the recognition of older people as equal citizens. Includes publications and details of current projects. - http://www.eurag-europe.org/
Sunshine Senior's Association - Southern California non-profit association for Indian seniors offering activities, services, links to matrimonial services, magazines and horoscopes. - http://www.desiempire.com/sunshine.htm
The Senior Citizens League - Seniors advocacy association working to safeguard earned benefits including military and government retirements, improvements in Social Security, Notch solution and Seniors CPI. - http://www.tscl.org/
National Association of Senior Friends - Entertainment and educational activities, health screenings, and discounts on items from insurance to flowers, prescriptions to car rentals. - http://www.seniorfriends.com/
The Seniors Coalition - Advocacy organization to protect the quality of life and economic well-being that older Americans have earned while supporting common sense solutions to the challenges of the future. - http://www.senior.org/
Seniors Against Federal Extravagance (S.A.F.E.) - A non-partisan volunteer organization of seniors seeking to protect future generations by paying down public debt and reforming Social Security. - http://www.s-a-f-e.org/
United Seniors Association - A nonpartisan, nonprofit, public interest organization of conservative seniors dedicated to educating and informing senior citizens on current issues. - http://www.unitedseniors.org/
Sixty Plus Association - Organization of seniors which seeks Social Security reform and abolition of the death tax in the United States. Site include membership information, scorecard, news and releases, and related links. - http://www.60plus.org/
Society of Military Widows (SMW) - Support group for widows of military personnel with membership in local chapters or national at-large basis. - http://www.militarywidows.org/