BC Spirits - British Columbia Society of Paranormal Investigation and Research into the Supernatural. - http://www.bcspirits.com/
ParaResearchers of Quebec - We are a group of researchers and investigators studying paranormal topics within the province of Quebec. We deal with three different subjects in particular: UFOs, ghosts, and cryptozoology. - http://www.quebec.pararesearchers.org/
BC Ghosts and Haunting Society - The site contains both reports and stories from all around BC, as well as notes, editorials and tips to ghost researchers. - http://www.psican.org/ghrs/bc/
Ontario Ghosts - The Ontario Ghosts and Hauntings Research Society. - http://www.ontarioghosts.org/
The Haunted Barrie Meetup Group - To investigate hauntings, share mysterious images and hunt the eerie inhabitants of the paranormal realm. - http://ghosts.meetup.com/628/
EntitySeeker - Based in Edmonton, Alberta. Serves to investigate haunted locations and assist people in coping with haunting phenomenon. - http://www.entityseeker.com
Para - Researchers Of Ontario - Information and research into a wide variety of paranormal phenomenon. There are also articles, message boards and frequently asked questions. - http://www.pararesearchers.org/
Northghost Paranormal Research Group - Reports on paranormal activity through out Ontario, especially northern Ontario. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/northghost_2004/
Alberta Paranormal Researchers Association - A group of non-profit Alberta, Canada ghost hunters, seeking out the proof behind hauntings and other paranormal phenomena. - http://www.paranormalexplorers.com
Haunted Hamilton - Research and investigation of history and hauntings in the Hamilton, Ontario. - http://www.hauntedhamilton.com
Vancouver Ghosts and Paranormal - Hauntings and ghosts in Vancouver. Free investigative and research team. - http://www.horrorseek.com/ghosts/phantomphive/index.html
Haunted Walks of Canada - Ghosts, hangings, graveyards and haunts. Walking tours in Kingston and Ottawa. - http://www.hauntedwalk.com
The Toronto Ghosts & Hauntings Research Society - A non-profit group dedicated to the collection and investigation of ghosts and hauntings in Southern Ontario. - http://www.torontoghosts.org/