Kappa Sigma - Alumni Networking Group - Information for alumni of Kappa Sigma interested in connecting with alumni for personal and business reasons. - http://www.kappasigmaalumni.com
Kappa Sigma - Chicago Area, IL Alumni Association - Alumni and active members of the Kappa Sigma Fraternity living in or having an interest in Kappa Sigma events in Chicago and the surrounding area. - http://www.kappasigmachicago.com
Kappa Sigma - Dallas, TX Alumni Chapter - For all Kappa Sigma Alumni, from any chapter, now living in the Dallas, TX area. - http://www.kappasigmadallas.org/
Kappa Sigma - Colorado College, CO Alumni Group - Non-chartered Alumni chapter of Beta Omega Alumni with event announcements, contact directory, and information about the 100th anniversary celebration. - http://www.kappasigma-betaomegaalumni.com/