High School Team Page Directory - Provides list and links of home pages for various high school academic competition teams. Includes site rankings and commentaries. - http://www.case.edu/orgs/trivia/internet/hsteams.html
Walter Johnson It's Academic Team - Bethesda, Maryland's Walter Johnson High School "It's Academic" Team. - http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/wjhs/orgs/it%27sacademic/index.shtm
Hammond (MD) High School Academic Team - One of Maryland's top public schools on the academic team circuit. Annual Green Eggs and Hammond Tournament information available. - http://www.hammondhs.org/teachers/jenkins/itsac.htm
Andrean High School Quiz Bowl - Provides academic team information. Includes schedule and results, latest round results and list of coaches. - http://www.andreanhs.com/quizbowl.html
New Trier Scholastic Bowl - Provides high school academic team information. Includes latest results, entry form and list of events won. - http://nths.nttc.org/activities/sbowl/scobo.html
The Bromfield Academic Bowl Team - Provides academic team information. Includes team pictures, tournament schedule and team statistics. - http://webpages.charter.net/mcgarty/acadec.html
George Washington High School - Quiz Bowl - Provides high school academic team information. Includes latest news and past meets. - http://gwhs.kana.k12.wv.us/clubsnorgs/quizbowl/
Northside High School Quiz Bowl - Provides high school academic team information. Includes team information and tournament results. - http://www.ipa.net/~ltjones/quizbowl/qbindex.html