Harvard National Invitational Forensics Tournament - Cambridge, MA. Offers competition in debate, speech, and student congress. Includes schedule, results, and a list of participating schools. - http://www.harvard-debate.org/
World Schools Debating Championships - Rules, results, and history on this international high school debate tournament. - http://www.schoolsdebate.com/
Wake Forest National Earlybird - One of the first tournaments of the year, with individual events, policy, and Lincoln Douglas. Results, entry information, rules, and pictures. - http://groups.wfu.edu/debate/earlybird/BirdEntryInformation/EARLYBIRDInvit.html
Minnesota Debate History - Results of many Minnesota high school debate tournaments. - http://www2.bitstream.net/~appelget/debate/index.htm
John C. Stennis National Student Congress - Information, history, and results from the National Forensic League's national student congress. - http://www.stennis.gov/studentcongresspage.htm