UT National Institute in Forensics (UTNIF) - Offers many debate sessions with different times, focus and levels. Includes cross-x debate, Lincoln-Douglas, Coaches workshop, and individual events. Held at the University of Texas, Austin. - http://commstudies.utexas.edu/debate/
Spartan Debate Institute - Four-week debate workshop at the Michigan State University - http://debate.msu.edu
UNT Mean Green Debate Workshops - A low-cost high school debate institute in North Texas. - http://www.meangreenworkshops.com
The Championship Debate Group Insititute - Offers varsity and novice policy, lincoln-douglas, student congress, and individual events workshops at University of Northern Texas (UNT). - http://www.thechampionshipgroup.com/default.htm
Dartmouth Debate Institute - Contains information and application forms for the Dartmouth Juniors, Senior Assistants and Coaches workshops. - http://debate.dartmouth.edu/Workshops/ddi.php
Cameron University Speech-Debate Camp - Offers two-sessions and five divisions of LD and Policy debate in Oklahoma. - http://www.cameron.edu/academic/liberal_arts/communications/spchcamp/
Sun Country Forensics Institute - Dixie State College of Utah hosts policy debate and individual events workshops. - http://www.dixie.edu/com/summer_workshops/forensics.html
National Policy Debate Institute - Three week session held at Bates College, with critiqued practice rounds, and instruction in research, and use of evidence. - http://www.bates.edu/x28698.xml
Stanford National Forensics Institute - Offers a three week policy debate program and a two week LD and IE program, with 4 levels of instruction. - http://www.snfi.org/
Whitman National Debate Institute - Information, schedule, and registration for summer LD and policy debate institute. - http://www.whitman.edu/rhetoric/camp/
Liberty University - Debate - Institute - Summer debate workshop at Liberty University that is open to all high school students. - http://www.liberty.edu/Academics/Communications/Debate/index.cfm?PID=1030
Northwestern Summer Debate Program - Coon Hardy Scholars debate institute at Northwestern University, in Chicago. - http://www.northwestern.edu/nhsi/main/debate/debateatNU.html
Emory National Debate Institute - Offers policy debate summer programs in Atlanta, Georgia. - http://www.emory.edu/BF/endi/endi.html
University of Michigan Debate - Homepage of the Michigan Debate Institute that offers information about the Classic, and 7-week programs. - http://www.michigandebate.com/
Gonzaga Debate Institute - Offers different types and lengths of policy debate programs during the summer. - http://www.gonzagadebate.com/GDI.htm