Wyoming Forensics Association - Includes debate topics, apparel guidelines, and meeting minutes. - http://www.jcsd1.k12.wy.us/~bhs/WyForensics_ORG/index2.htm
Pennsylvania High School Speech League - Results, ballots, Constitution, bylaws, news, forms, member school list, and contact information. - http://www.susqu.edu/programs/phssl/
Oregon Speech - Rulebook, state tournament schedule, results, ballots, and forms. - http://www.osaa.org/speech/
Rhode Island Urban Debate - Rhode Island based chapter of the urban debate league. Judging information, contact information, participating schools, and evidence. - http://www.ridebateleague.org/
World Schools Debating Championships - In association with IDEA, this league promotes debate around the world. Past tournament results, future tournaments, contact info, charter and rules. - http://www.schoolsdebate.com/
Ontario Student Debating Union - An organization that works to promote and coordinate scholastic events in the area of debate. - http://www.osdu.on.ca/
Seattle Debate Foundation - Promotes interscholastic policy debate in Seattle, Washington. - http://www.seattledebate.org
The Fulford League - Ontario, Canada based debating league. - http://www.fulford.org/
National Forensic League - Latest information on chapter strength, and coaching and student points totals. Coaches can update points totals here as well. - http://nflonline.org/
Kansas Debate - Results, and state qualifer information. - http://www.kshsaa.org/DEBATE/debate.html
Kansas Speech - Forms, results, and history. - http://www.kshsaa.org/SPEECH/speech.html
National Association of Urban Debate Leagues - National organization dedicated to expanding debate oppurtunities among urban high schools. Resources, news, event calendar, and other information about the organization. - http://www.urbandebate.org
Tarheel Forensics League - North Carolina. News, results, state tournament information, tournament invitations, constitution, and rules. - http://ncspeechanddebate.org
South Carolina Speech and Debate - Offers tournament results, forms, coaches directory, links, and newsletter. - http://scspeechanddebate.org
Newark Catholic Forensic League Home Page - Contact information, results, information, links, hall of fame, and instructions for judges. - http://www.newark4n6.org/index.html
Wisconsin Forensic Coaches' Association - Coaching and tournament information, research resources within Wisconsin, and merchandise. Organization is concerned with individual events as well as debate. - http://wfcaforensics.org/
Nebraska Debate - Manual, entry forms, results, and state tournament results. - http://www.nsaahome.org/debate.html
New York State Forensic League - Ballots, results, congress bills, contact information, and state tournament information. - http://www.nysfl.org/
Minnesota Debate Teachers Association - News, history, constitution, by-laws, forms, tournament schedule, and contact information. - http://www.mdta.org/
Nebraska Speech - Ballots, state tournament schedule, rules, and results. - http://www.nsaahome.org/speech.html
Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association - Ballots, judge philosophy database, scholarship information, by-laws, results, news, calendar, members database, and store. - http://www.themifa.org/
Kentucky High School Speech League - Handbook, results, tournament invitations, directory, and tournament schedule. - http://www.wku.edu/khssl/
Iowa High School Speech Association - Constitution, by-Laws, judge information, contest statistics, weather information, and contest forms. - http://www.ihssa.org/