Centre of Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at QUT - CPNS has objectives in each of Teaching and Learning, Research, Technology and Community Service. The CPNS site has a wealth of information relevant to philanthropy and nonprofit studies and includes hundreds of useful links to resources world-wide. - http://www.bus.qut.edu.au/research/cpns/
Nonprofit Sector Research Fund - Awards research grants and organizes convenings to expand knowledge, improve practice, and inform public policy related to the nonprofit sector and philanthropy. Application guidelines, list of publications, news, and findings. - http://www.nonprofitresearch.org/
GuideStar - Free service with information on the programs and finances of more than 600,000 American charities and nonprofit organizations, up-to-date news stories on philanthropy, and resources for donors and volunteers. - http://www.guidestar.org/
Charity Navigator - Guide to help donors make intelligent charitable giving decisions. Offers financial ratings of thousands of American nonprofit organizations and charities. - http://www.charitynavigator.org/
American Institute of Philanthropy - A nonprofit charity watchdog organization that helps donors make informed giving decisions. - http://www.charitywatch.org/
BBB Wise Giving Alliance - Reports on nationally soliciting charitable organizations (USA) that are the subject of donor inquiries. These reports include an evaluation of the subject charity in relation to the voluntary BBB charity standards. - http://www.give.org/
GrantSmart - An on-line resource center that offers a searchable tax information database for private foundations and charitable trusts in the USA. - http://www.grantsmart.org/
Capital Research Center (CRC) - Studies issues in philanthropy, with a focus on non-profit advocacy groups, their funding sources, their agendas, and their impact on public policy. - http://www.capitalresearch.org/