LetsGoGreen, Inc. - Program details, news and contact information. - http://letsgogreen.biz
Think Recycle - Recycling print cartridges and cell phones. Program description, price list, FAQ and contact information. - http://www.thinkrecycle.com
Sunset Recycling - Program description, buyback list and contact information. - http://www.sunsetrecycling.com
CC Cash, Inc. - Program description, sign up form, FAQ, buy-back lists, news, links and contact information. - http://www.cccashusa.com
Earthtone Solutions, Inc. - Ink cartridge and cell phone recycling fundraiser. Program description, FAQ, newsletter, resources and contact information. - http://www.earthtonesolutions.com
Planet Green, Inc. - Program description, price list, FAQ and contact information. - http://www.planetgreeninc.com
Onibay, LLC - Used printer cartridge and cell phone recycling. Program details, FAQ and contact information. - http://www.onibay.com
Greentec International Inc. - Environmental recycling fundraising program. Program description, contact information, FAQ's and events. - http://www.thinkgreen.com
Dollars for Education - Offers a fund raising and recycling program that promotes ink cartridge, toner cartridge and cell phone recycling. - http://www.dollarsforeducation.com
PhoneRaiser - Offers fundraising program recycling old cell phones and pagers. - http://www.phoneraiser.com/
Recycle First - Fundraising with inkjet cartridges, laser cartridges and cell phones. - http://www.recyclefirst.com
Inkjet Collect - Raise funds with used printer cartridges, toner cartridges, cell phones and mobile phones. - http://www.inkjetcollect.com
Redeem PLC - Helps organisations raise funds by collecting inkjet and toner cartridges and unwanted mobile phones. - http://www.redeemplc.com
EcoPhones - Cell phone and ink jet recycling fundraiser combining environmental education and fundraising. Testimonials, FAQ, price list and contact information. - http://www.ecophones.com/
Cartridges 4 Kids (CA) - Recycling empty inkjet and laser printer cartridges and cell-phones through an online suite of programs designed to raise funds for schools and non-profit organizations. - http://www.cartridges4kids.ca/
Recycle for Breast Cancer - Send in used toner and inkjet cartridges to raise funds for the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Located in San Ramon, California. - http://www.recycleforbreastcancer.com
Recycle 4 Charity - Schools and other groups can raise funds collecting empty inkjet and toner cartridges, and cell phones. - http://www.recycle4charity.org
Ink and Toner Project - No cost fundraising program collecting used printer and fax cartridges. - http://www.inkandtonerproject.com
Trading Connection - Groups raise funds by collecting empty toner and inkjet cartridges. - http://www.tradingconnectionusa.com
Abitibi-Consolidated - Paper recycling program designed for civic groups, schools, and large employers to raise funds through recycling. - http://www.paperretriever.com/
Friendship Used Clothing Collection, LLC - Partners with non-profit organizations to collect used clothing and redistribute to people over the world. - http://www.friendshipusedclothing.com
GreenFund Network - Pays cash to non-profit, conservation and charity organizations for used printer cartridges. - http://www.greenfundnetwork.com
Phone Fund - Fundraisers for schools, corporations and civic groups to collect and recycle used cell phones and turn them into cash for each group. - http://phonefund.com
Enviro Solutions, LLC - Schools and clubs can raise cash recycling inkjet and laser printer cartridges. - http://www.envirosolutionsllc.com
Recycle Rewards, Inc. - Participating schools collect empty laser cartridges from students, parents or any business to raise money. - http://www.rrewards.com/
Kash For Kids - Turn empty ink jet and laser printer cartridges into cash for your organization. No selling or investment required. - http://www.kashforkids.com/
Recycle-Free - Specializing in the recycling of plastic inkjet cartridges, for school fundraisers. - http://www.recyclefree.com/
Inkbank - Organizations can help protect the environment and make fundraising income by collecting empty inkjet and laser cartridges. - http://www.inkbank.com/
Recycling Resource Project - Creating and providing promotional and fundraising resources for recycling. - http://www.recyclingproject.com/
FundingFactory - Consolidate school fundraising programs under one roof by recycling empty laser and inkjet printer cartridges and/or earn commissions by shopping online. - http://www.fundingfactory.com/