Emc.Arts - Specializes in cultural and arts-focused organizations. Client list, recent projects, staff profiles. - http://www.emcarts.org/
Isovera, Inc. - Internet consulting firm for nonprofits, based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. Client list, case studies, services available, publications in PDF format. - http://www.isovera.com/
Groundspring.org - A nonprofit technology services and training agency founded to help nonprofit organizations use the Internet effectively, by providing online fundraising tools, email messaging services, training workshops across the country, and free downloadable Intern - http://www.groundspring.org/
Nonprofit Financial Center - Consultant and nonprofit-specific lender based in Illinois, United States. Provides links to a range of resources, and information on services offered. - http://www.nfconline.org/
ENTECH - Provider of free and subsidized technology consultation and information resournces to nonprofit organizations in and around Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. - http://epic.cuir.uwm.edu/entech/
Janine Vanderburg Associates - Provides writing, research, program development, training and other consulting services to nonprofit organizations, government agencies, foundations and corporate grantmaking programs. - http://www.houseofspiders.com/buscard/
a goodman - Communications consulting firm that helps public interest groups, foundations, and progressive businesses. Information on credentials, projects, and clients. - http://www.agoodmanonline.com/
Training People - Information about what courses are offered. Located in Northern Ireland offering services throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland and sometimes beyond. - http://www.trainingpeopleni.com/
Local Development & Gender (LDG) - Small consultancy aganecy that has executed projects and short missions in developing countries and transitional economies since the early 1990s. Its focus [in Latin America, the CEE and FSU] is on rural & community development, project evaluation and - http://www.xs4all.nl/~fqs/
TechFinder - Online directory of individuals and organizations that provide technology products and services to the nonprofit sector. - http://www.techfinder.org/
Red Ochre - Not-for-profit provider of technology, marketing, financial, and commercial solutions to the voluntary, charitable, faith-based, and social entrepreneurial sectors. Includes an overview of philosophy, services, and past projects. - http://www.redochre.org.uk/
Sue James - Australian consultant and facilitator. Description of services, client list, contact and background information. - http://www.suejames.com.au/
Charity Works, Inc. - Nonprofit organization that works to unite nonprofits, donors, and businesses to promote a more effective and efficient philanthropic process in the U.S. - http://charityworks.org
WLP Consulting, Inc. - Offers services to the non-profit community to help bring effectiveness to the many uses of computer information technology. - http://www.wlpconsulting.com
Whitney Jones, Inc. - Providing vision and philanthropic leadership to non-profit organizations and the communities they serve since 1981. - http://www.whitneyjonesinc.com
The Whelan Group, Inc. - Provides strategic and financial planning and fund raising management services to an array of growth-oriented non-profit organizations and institutions. - http://whelangroup.com
Washington Services Management Consultants - An educational management consultancy specialising in fund raising, feasibility studies, marketing, alumni relations and school governance in international schools. - http://www.opray.net/washington
Waltman Associates - Providing reference works for prospect research. Also specializing in prospect research consulting and training. - http://www.waltmanassociates.com
Trident Communications Group - Organizational advancement counsel and services to nonprofits and businesses. Focused on your organization's strategic interests. - http://www.tridentcg.com
Tidwell and Associates, Inc. - Grant writing services, program evaluation, needs assessments, and special studies are offered. - http://www.grant-master.com/
Skystone Ryan - United States based consulting firm. Site includes list of offices, mission statement, description of services, employment information. - http://www.skystoneryan.com/
Sims and Steele - Helping non-profit organizations since 1988 by offering counsel in the areas of planning, organizational development and fundraising. - http://www.simsandsteele.com
Sempel Bixel Associates - Provides services reaching all sectors of non profit organizations. - http://www.semplebixel.com
Schultz & Williams, Inc. - National consultants helping nonprofit clients maximize income by pursuing development, marketing and management strategies. - http://www.sw-inc.com
Philanthropy Squared - Fundraising, marketing, communications and capacity building for nonprofit organizations. - http://www.p2group.net
Peter Hunter & Associates - Providing non-profit fundraising management and consulting services for a wide spectrum of non-profit organizations since 1986. - http://www.peterhunterassociates.com
Pennington and Company - Full-service fund raising, consulting, and public relations firm specializing in the needs of membership organizations. - http://www.penningtonco.com/
Pacific Rim Printers/Mailers - Graphic design, printing, bindery, laser personalization, postal sorting and direct mail services to support the fundraising efforts of non-profit organizations, schools, colleges and universities. - http://www.prpmprint.com
Nonprofit Consulting Services - Offers technical assistance, grantwriting, training and evaluation services to nonprofit entities, government agencies and corporations. - http://www.nonprofitconsulting.com/
NFP Consulting Resources - Full service consulting firm specializing in fundraising, organizational development and human resources for the not for profit sector. - http://www.nfpconsulting.com
NetGain Partners - Management and development specialists dedicated to helping non-profit organizations in Canada catch up, keep up, and get ahead. - http://www.netgainpartners.com
Minges & Associates - A management consulting firm for nonprofits which provides board development training, fundraising ideas and helps establish a marketing plan. - http://www.minges.com
McGaughey Enterprises, Inc. - Advises non-profit associations. Specializing in Chambers of Commerce to create new income through planning sessions and fund development seminars. - http://www.mcgaugheyenterprises.net
Marts & Lundy, Inc. - A full-service consulting firm serving the not-for-profit community. - http://www.martsandlundy.com/
Martin Price Associates - A Welsh charity consultancy service, offering advice on fundraising and business management to charities operating in Wales - http://martinprice.com
Maranville and Associates - Provides planning and resource development services to not-for-profit organizations, specializing in capital campaigns, endowment building and planned giving. - http://www.maranvilleandassoc.com
Leighty Consulting Services - Your source for grant writing, funding research and community building! - http://www.leightyconsulting.com
Lee Switz and Associates - Provides support for non-profit organizations in the greater Richmond, Virginia area. - http://www.leeswitzassociates.com
John Brown Limited, Inc. - Provides campaign counsel, strategy for planned giving and major gifts programs, marketing/feasibility studies, and development audits. - http://www.johnbrownlimited.com/
International Consulting Network, Inc. - Promotes events, conducts market research, fundraising and public relations for individuals, non-profits and companies with a community focus. - http://www.icninc.biz
InfoRich Group, Inc. - Providing prospect research, prospect profiles, and staff training for the nonprofit community. - http://www.inforichgroup.com/
The Heritage Company - Full service agency specializing in telefundraising and direct mail for nonprofit organizations with a special emphasis on donor identification and development - http://www.theheritagecompany.com/
The Headwaters Group - Resources to help foundations achieve excellence in philanthropy, offers strategic program planning, effective grants and operations management, and evaluation services. - http://www.headwatersgroup.com/
Funding Freedom - An organizational management and fundraising firm. - http://www.fundingfreedom.com
The Fruition Coalition - Provides professional and affordable consulting services for grassroots social change organizations. - http://www.fruitioncoalition.com
Fromm Group - Management and development consulting firm providing grantwriting and other services to public managers in local governments - http://www.frommgroup.com/
First Side Partners - A collaboration of experienced professionals in fund raising, planning, and communications for non-profit organizations. Based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - http://www.firstsidepartners.com/
EHL Consulting Group - Specialists in all aspects of financial resource development for non-profit entities. We can recommend responsible, thoughtful and creative solutions to your needs. - http://www.ehlconsulting.com
Dr. Charity - Free newsletter with fundraising ideas, marketing, grant writing, and public relations tactics. Library archives of information with free downloads. - http://www.drcharity.com/
DJT Consulting Group - Offers resource development, strategic planning, evaluation, RFP management and proposal writing. - http://www.djtconsulting.com
Custom Development Solutions - Specializing in feasibility studies, capital campaigns, development audits, and creative solutions for fund raising problems. - http://www.cdsfunds.com
Community Consulting Consortium - Consultants specializing in strategic philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, and foundation and non-profit management. - http://www.communityconsultingconsortium.com
The Colton Group - Comprehensive synagogue consultants. Educational and fund-raising specialists. - http://www.thecoltongroup.com
Charism Enterprises - Assists non-profit animal welfare organizations with fundraising and daily operational needs. - http://www.charism.biz
Changing Our World, Inc. - A full-service national fundraising and philanthropic services company. - http://www.changingourworld.com
Chamber Resources - Providers of membership development and planning services to Chambers of commerce and similar organizations. - http://www.chamberresources.com/
Center for Effective Philanthropy - The Center provides research, strategy consulting, resources, and educational programs to help charitable foundations and other donors increase the impact of their giving. - http://www.effectivephilanthropy.com
Capital Venture - A national consulting firm specializing in capital campaigns, development plans, grant writing and board development for both new and established nonprofit development programs. - http://www.cvfundraising.com/
Blueprint R & D - Consulting services to new and established foundations and grantmakers - http://www.blueprintrd.com
Avatar Company, Inc. - Conducts and uses market research to influence a nonprofit organization's strategic decision making process and fund raising programs. - http://avatarcompany.com/
American City Bureau - Founded in 1913. Provides developmental/feasibility studies, campaign direction, communication services, and development office audits. - http://www.acb-inc.com
Alliance Media Boston - Creates the videos, annual reports, brochures and other marketing communications materials non-profits use in fundraising, capital campaigns, community education and elsewhere. - http://www.alliancemediaboston.com/
Alexander Macnab & Company - Chicago-based consultancy serving the fundraising, foundation and development needs of not-for-profits across the country. - http://www.alexandermacnab.com/
Alexander Haas Martin & Partners - Comprehensive services include capital campaigns, planning studies, annual fund, planned giving, major gifts prospect research, training. - http://www.ahmp.com/
A.L. Brourman Associates, Inc. - Full service firm offering a wide variety of professional services and expertise in marketing, fund raising and institutional advancement to non-profit organizations. - http://www.brourman.com
A.F. Trombino and Associates - Helps locate funding to underwrite your programs. - http://www.trombinograntconsortium.com/
Giving Answers - Consulting firm with an emphasis on web applications and technology, based in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. Site includes product information, information resources and forum. - http://www.givinganswers.com/
Enterprise Care - Australian management consultancy. Mission statement, publications, contact information. - http://www.enterprisecare.com.au/
Zietlow, John - Treasury management consultant and certified cash manager based in Cleveland, Tennessee. Personal profile, relevant links, contact information. - http://www.johnzietlow.com/
Kirsch-Outsourcing - Provider of management assistance for smaller organizations, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States. Service information, newsletter, news, company profile. - http://www.kirschonline.com/
Management Performance Concepts - Maryland-based consultancy serving United States nonprofits, focused on organizational development. Product and service information, testimonials, resources. - http://www.managance.com/
Management Assistance Group - Not-for-profit United States consultancy serving social purpose organizations. Service information, client list and testimonials. - http://www.managementassistance.org/
The Management Centre - London-based provider of training and consulting services, with an emphasis on project management and fundraising. Events, staff profiles, newsletter in PDF format. - http://www.managementcentre.co.uk/
Sorensen Consulting - Provider of management consulting and coaching services, based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Services, testimonials, company profile, contact information. - http://www.members.shaw.ca/sorensen/
Mickie S. Rops and Associates - United States professional development and credentialing consultants. Services and biographical information, as well as publications, resources, events and an online bookstore. - http://www.msrops.com/
Northnode - Massachusetts provider of support and training for the health and human services sector. Client list, description of services, events. - http://www.northnode.org/
Non-Profit Builders - Consultancy serving small and medium-sized nonprofits in the Midwest region of the United States. Workshops and services, contact information. - http://www.npbuilders.com/
Oxford and Associates - Firm emphasizing strategy development, based in Plainfield, New Jersey, United States. Mission statement, staff profiles, guidelines for choosing the right consultant. - http://www.oxfordandassociates.com/
Peace Service International - British consultant with expertise in both general nonprofit consulting and peace-oriented services such as human rights and election monitoring. Background information, services available. - http://www.peaceserviceinternational.org/
Royds Community Association - Organization which has developed extensive experience in consultation and training, based in Bradford, England. News, organizational information, services. - http://www.royds.org.uk/
The Winfield Consulting Group - Provider of market research and strategic planning services, based in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Site features description of services, staff profiles, contact information. - http://www.thewinfieldgroup.com/
Alan H. Bernstein Consulting - Firm which offers nonprofit support services including capacity building and organization development. Mission statement, description of services, contact information. - http://albernconsulting.com/
Interaction Institute for Social Change (IISC) - Nonprofit providing international consultation and training services, with offices in California, Massachusetts and the Republic of Ireland. Mission statement, staff profiles, description of programs. - http://interactioninstitute.org/
CJW Consulting and Services - Firm based in Morton Grove, Illinois, United States, providing nonprofits with computer-related advice and services such as training and staff replacement. Corporate information, list of clients, description of services. - http://www.cjwconsulting.com/
Confluence - Washington, DC firm providing information technology support services to the nonprofit community. Site features description of services, annotated links to online resources. - http://www.confluencecorp.com/