Daughters of the Republic of Texas - Sorority lineal society open to lineal descendants of a man or woman who rendered loyal service for Texas prior to the consummation of the Annexation Agreement of the Republic of Texas with the United States of America in February 1846. Offers information - http://www.drtl.org/DRTinc/index.asp
Sons of Utah Pioneers - Formed by and for the descendants of Utah pioneers who arrived in that territory before the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869. Offers information and history on the organization, resources, and membership. - http://www.sonsofutahpioneers.org/
Pioneers Association of South Australia, Inc - Founded in 1935 to perpetuate the memory and records of the pioneers of early settlement in South Australia. Membership open to any person with an ancestor who arrived in South Australia up to the 31 December 1845. - http://users.chariot.net.au/~pioneersa/
The California Pioneer Society - Founded by pre-Gold Rush pioneers and perpetuated by direct descendants to preserve and to commemorate those whose sagacity, enterprise, and love of independence induced them to settle in the wilderness and become founders of a new state. Annual or lifeti - http://www.californiapioneers.org/
Sons and Daughters of Oregon Pioneers - Lineage society incorporated in 1901 to perpetuate the memory, industry, and sacrifices of the Oregon pioneers. Membership restricted to those direct bloodline descendants of the pioneers who arrived and settled in the Oregon Country, Oregon Territory, or - http://www.webtrail.com/sdop/
Sons of the Republic of Texas - Fraternal lineage society open to any male who is a direct descendant of an ancestor who was a resident and loyal citizen of Texas prior to the Republic's annexation. Aiding in perpetuating the memory and spirt of the men and women who achieved the indepe - http://www.srttexas.org/
The Society of Indiana Pioneers - Preserving the memory and history of the early pioneers to the territory of Indiana. Regular membership open to men and women eighteen years of age or older, who are descended from an Indiana pioneer who lived within the present boundary of an Indiana co - http://www.indianapioneers.com/