Grand Masonic Lodge of Virginia
- Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. General and local Masonic information and links.
Independent Orange Lodge No. 138 - Orange - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:00 PM. Officers, photos, history and links. -
Lee Masonic Lodge No. 209 - Waynesboro - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM. Master's message, officers, calendar, events and links. -
Cochran Masonic Lodge No. 271 - The Plains - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Calendar, officers, photos, trestleboard, contact and links. -
10th Masonic District - DDGM message and links. -
Fairfax Masonic Lodge No. 43 - Culpeper - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Master's message, officers, news and events, trestleboard and contacts. -
John Blair Masonic Lodge No. 187 - Alexandria - Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM; meal at 6:30 PM. Master's message, officers, calendar, photos, contacts and links. -
Hunter's Masonic Lodge No. 156 - Blacksburg - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM. Welcome message, photos, officers, calendar, announcements and links. -
Dupont Masonic Lodge No 289 - Hopewell - Meets on the 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Lodge information, calendar, trestleboard, appendant bodies and links. -
Frank P. Moncure Masonic Lodge No. 279 - Stafford - Meets on the 4th Thursday, 7:30 PM; 2nd Thursday in November and December. Messages, officers, events and contacts. -
Cabell Masonic Lodge No. 328 - Kents Store - Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Master's message, officers, schedule and links. -
Prince George Masonic Lodge No. 115 - Prince George - Meets on the 1st Thursday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Master's message, calendar, officers, history, photos and more. -
Lodge of Strict Observance No. 207 - Richmond - Meets on the 3rd Monday, 7:00 PM. Master's message, calendar, officers, directions and links. -
Herndon Masonic Lodge No. 264 - Herndon - Meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:30 PM. Officers, calendar, contact information and links. -
Elizabeth Masonic Lodge No. 34 - Norfolk - Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Calendar, events, photos and contacts. -
Sharon Masonic Lodge No. 327 - McLean - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM. Trestle board, history, photos, officers, general Masonic information and links. -
Lakeland Masonic Lodge No. 190 - Roanoke - Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Location, contacts, general Masonic information, trestleboard, photos and links. -
Taylor Masonic Lodge No. 23 - Salem - Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:30 PM. Officers, appendant bodies, history, location and members area. -
Catlett Masonic Lodge No. 35 - Gate City - Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. Master's message, history, officers, FAQ, contact and links. -
Army and Navy Masonic Lodge No. 306 - Hampton - Meets on the third Wednesday, 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM. The Military and Freemasonry, history of Freemasonry at Fort Monroe, and officers. -
Pleasants Masonic Lodge No. 63 - Roanoke - Meets on the 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM. General information, contact form, trestleboard, history and links. -
Sandston Masonic Lodge No. 216 - Sandston - Meets on the 3rd Thursday, 7:30 PM. Dinner at 6:30 PM. Officers, bulletin, events, map and links. -
Crewe Masonic Lodge No. 123 - Crewe - Meets on the 2nd Monday, 8:00 PM. History, officers, photos, directions and links. -
Chesterfield Masonic Lodge No. 161 - Richmond - Meets on the 1st Thursday, 7:00 PM; dinner at 6:00 PM. Photo, officers and contact information. -
Cherrydale Masonic Lodge No. 42 - Arlington - Meets first and third Thursdays at 7:30 (3rd only in July, August). Poetry, jokes, information, newsletter, photos, officers. -
Chester Masonic Lodge No. 94 - Chester - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Trestleboard, calendar, officers, history, general information and links. -
Metropolitan Masonic Lodge No. 11 - Richmond - Meets on the 2nd Thursday, 7:00 PM. Officers and members, announcements, calendar, photos and links. -