Lodge of Enlightment No. 502 - Takapuna - Meets on the 2nd Mondays in February, April, June and August, 6:00 PM. Officers, meetings, members area and contact. - http://www.enlightenment.org.nz/
Lodge United Taranaki No. 456 - Fitzroy - Meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:30 PM. Master's notes, calendar, events, newsletter, history and links. - http://www.freemasonry.org.nz/
Lodge Tawera-O-Kapiti - Paraparaumu - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark in January.) Master's message, Masonic information, news, FAQ, forum and links. - http://www.freemasons.co.nz/lodge/253/
Lodge of Endeavour No. 504 - Christchurch City - Meets on the 1st Monday of March, May, July, September, and in even years, November, 6:00 PM. News, history, photos and links. - http://www.lodgeofendeavour.org/
Lodge Auckland No. 87 - Newton - Meets on the 4th Tuesday. (Dark: December and January.) Master's message, location, officers and contact. - http://www.lodgeauckland87.co.nz/
Lodge Mana No. 352 - Wellington - Meets on the 1st Tuesday. Past masters, current officers, and lodge events. - http://www.lodgemana.org.nz/
Scinde Masonic Lodge No. 5 - Napier - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. History, events, officers, links and more. - http://www.mastermason.com/scindelodge/
Wayfarers Masonic Lodge No. 389 - Ellerslie - Meets on the first Thursday, 5:30 PM. Meeting format, philosophy and officer contacts. - http://www.freemasons-northern.co.nz/TheWayfarersLodge.html
Waitohi Masonic Lodge No. 111 - Picton - Meets at 7:30 pm on the 4th Thursday each month except December when it meets on the 2nd Wednesday and April when the Installation meeting is held at 2:30 pm on the 3rd Saturday. - http://www.mastermason.com/waitohi/
Te Aroha Masonic Lodge No. 52 - Te Aroha - Meets on the 3rd Thursday (except January); 2nd Thursday in December. Photo, music, history and links. - http://www.te-aroha.com/History/freemasons/fremasonframe.htm
St. George Masonic Lodge No. 29 - Temuka - Meets on the last Wednesday of each month except December. Photo and history. - http://www.freemasons.co.nz/lodge/29/
Phoenix Masonic Lodge No. 43 - Akaroa - Meets on the 2nd Friday, February through December. Photos, visitor information, program, events and links. - http://phoenix43.orcon.net.nz/
Avon Masonic Lodge No. 185 - Christchurch - Meets on the 1st Thursday (except January). Announcements, activities, events, visitor information and links. - http://www.avonlodge185.com/
Homewood Masonic Lodge No. 447 - Brooklyn - Meets on the last Thursday (except November and January); 1st Monday in December. Officers, events and location. - http://www.homewood-lodge.net.nz/
Lodge Arawhaiti No. 267 - Auckland - Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: January and February.) Officers, programme and contacts. - http://www.freemasons-northern.co.nz/267home.htm
Pacific Leinster Lodge No. 2 - Masonic Lodge meeting in Wellington under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of New Zealand, F&AM. - http://www.pl2.org.nz/