Rochester Masonic Lodge No. 21 - Rochester - Meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7:30 PM. (Dark: June, July and August.) Trestleboard, officers, photos, contact and links. -
Wayzata Masonic Lodge No. 205 - Wayzata - Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM; social and dinner at 6:30 PM. Officers, calendar, newsletter, photos and links. -
Lake Harriet Masonic Lodge No. 277 - Minneapolis - Meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays, 7:00 PM; dinner at 6:00 PM. Lodge information, newsletters, officers, and private members area. -
Arcana Masonic Lodge No. 187 - Minneapolis - Meets on the 2nd and 4th Monday, 7:30 PM. Lodge Newsletter, trestleboard, Past Masters, calendar, and more. -
Unizar Masonic Lodge No. 347 - St. Paul - Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Lodge information, officers, photos and contacts. -
Macalester Masonic Lodge No. 290 - St. Paul - Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:00 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Officers, calendar, degree work, contact and links. -
Montgomery Masonic Lodge No. 258 - St. Paul - Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7:00 PM. (Dark: June, July and August.) Welcome, newsletter, photos, calendar, history and contact. -
Saint Paul Masonic Lodge No. 3 - St. Paul - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 PM. History, calendar, newsletter, visitor information and links. -
Jasper Masonic Lodge No. 164 - Rush City - Meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Photos, events, contact and links. -
Daylight Masonic Lodge No. 348 - Roseville - Meets on the 1st Wednesday, 1:00 PM; lunch at Noon. Officers, calendar and location. -
Tusler-Summit Masonic Lodge No. 263 - Roseville - Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:00 PM. (Dark: July and August.) News, events, history, officers, location, contacts and links. -
Accacia Masonic Lodge No. 51 - Cottage Grove - Meets on the Wednesdays the week of a full moon, 7:30 PM; dinner at 6:30 PM. Location, contact form and calendar. -
Helios Masonic Lodge No. 273 - Cambridge - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. History, location, programs, calendar, contacts and links. -
Lake Superior Masonic Lodge No. 349 - Duluth - Meets on the 1st Monday, 7:00 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Officers, trestleboard, photos, contact and links. -
Mystic Star Masonic Lodge No. 69 - Rushford - Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:00 PM. (Dark: June, July and August.) History, calendar, location, photos, contact and links. -
Ancient Landmark Lodge No. 5 - St. Paul - Masonic lodge meeting the second Thursday of each month except July and August in the Masonic Center 200 East Plato Blvd, St. Paul -
Braden Masonic Lodge No. 168 - St. Paul - Meets on the First and Third Thursdays of each month, with the exception of July and August when we meet only on the second Thursday of the month. Meetings, history, officers, photos. AF&AM. -