Civil Service Masonic Lodge No.148 - Ottawa - Meets on St. John the Evangelists Day and the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM, in each month except June, July and August. -
Credit Masonic Lodge No. 219 - Georgetown - Meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 8:00 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Officers, committees, history and events. -
Wyndham Masonic Lodge No. 688 - Guelph - Meets on the 3rd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: June, July, August and December.) Newsletter, history, officers, location and links. -
Kingsway Masonic Lodge No. 655 - Etobicoke - Meets on the 3rd Monday. (Dark: July and August.) Officers, committees, history, location, contact form and links. -
David T. Cambell Masonic Lodge No. 706 - Whitby - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday. (Dark: July and August.) Master's message, officers, committees, events, history, contact and links. -
Temple Masonic Lodge No. 649 - Oshawa - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Lodge information, officers, committees, trestleboard and links. -
Lebanon Masonic Lodge No.139 - Oshawa - Meets on the 2nd Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Lodge information, officers and members, photos, announcements, contact and links. -
Hope Masonic Lodge No. 114 - Port Hope - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Officers, charity, events, photos and links. -
Jerusalem Masonic Lodge No. 31 - Bowmanville - Meets on the 2nd Wednesday. (Dark: July and August.) Events, location, officers, history, projects, FAQ and links. -
Saint John's Masonic Lodge No. 17 - Cobourg - Meets on the 2nd Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) News, announcements, calendar and links. -
Northern Light Masonic Lodge No. 266 - Stayner - Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Directions, history, officers, FAQ, news, contacts and links. -
Parvaim Masonic Lodge No. 395 - Leamington - Meets on the 3rd Friday, 8:00 PM. About Parvaim Lodge, calendar, degree team, members and contact. -
Thistle Masonic Lodge No. 34 - Amherstburg - Meets on the 1st Tuesday, 8:00 PM. Officers, activities, history, photos, contact and links. -
Antiquity Masonic Lodge No. 571 - Toronto - Meets on the 4th Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Officers, committees, events, members area and contact. -
Trillium Masonic Lodge No. 575 - Toronto - Meets on the 1st Thursday and 3rd Wednesday. Officers, history, events, contact and links. -
Birch Cliff Masonic Lodge No. 612 - Scarborough - Meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays, 7:30 PM. Location, meeting dates, history, news and events, FAQ and contact. -
Saint Johns Masonic Lodge No. 75 - Toronto - Meets on the 3rd Thursday. (Dark: July and August.) Lodge information, general Masonic information and links. -
Cedar Masonic Lodge No. 270 - Oshawa - Information of general interest with a Famous Masons section. Meetings, activity and history information, with links to other Masonic sites, world-wide. -
Universe Masonic Lodge No. 705 - Scarborough - Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7:30 PM. General Masonic information, bulletin boards, contacts and links. -
New Light Masonic Lodge No. 744 - Waterloo and Cambridge - Meets on the 4th Tuesday, 10:00 AM in March, April, May and June at the Waterloo Masonic Temple; and in August, September, October and November at the Cambridge Masonic Temple. -
Caledonia Masonic Lodge No. 637 - Toronto - Meets on the 3rd Monday, 7:30 PM. Lodge has a Scottish history which goes back to 1926. Calendar, officers, photos and links. -
Ionic Masonic Lodge No. 229 - Brampton - Meets on the 2nd Tuesday. (Dark: July and August.) Officers, events, history, photos and links. -
Acacia Masonic Lodge No. 561 - Ottawa - Meets on the 3rd Tuesday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Officers, committees, events, photos and links. -
Doric Masonic Lodge No. 58 - Ottawa - Meets on the 3rd Thursday. (Dark: June, July and August.) Location, officers, history, schedule, events and more. -
Masonic Foundation of Ontario - Charitable programs support the relief of poverty and the advancement of education and other purposes beneficial to the community. -
Oxford Masonic Lodge No. 76 - Woodstock - Meets on the 2nd Monday September to June; 1st in October. Officers and committee members, location, photos and links. -
Chaudiere Masonic Lodge No. 264 - Ottawa - Meets at 7:30 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month from January through May and September through November. December's meeting is on the second Tuesday. -
Ashlar Masonic Lodge No. 564 - Ottawa - Meets on the 1st Friday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: June, July and August.) Masonic information, lodge news, location and contacts. -
Harmony Masonic Lodge No. 57 - Binbrook - Meets on the 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) History, photo, officers and links. -
Coronation Masonic Lodge No. 466 - Elmvale - Meets on the 4th Wednesday. (Dark: January and February.) Events, location, officers and links. -
Brant Lodge No.45 - Ontario - Meets on the 2nd Tuesday, 7:30 PM. (Dark: July and August.) Events, officers, history, FAQ and links. -
Saint George Lodge No. 367 - Toronto - Masonic lodge meeting every third Friday. Lodge information, history, photos, calendar and events. -
Millennium Lodge No. 743 - Masonic lodge meeting once every 1000 years. -
Joseph A Hearn Masonic Lodge No 685 - - Mississauga - The friendly masonic lodge in Ontario, welcoming Free Masons visiting the Toronto area. Information on how to become a mason and news and reviews on masonic events -