Grand Masonic Lodge of Alaska
- Free and Accepted Masons. Officers, subordinate lodges, history, related links.
Tanana Masonic Lodge No. 3 - Fairbanks - Meets on the second Wednesday of each month for Stated communication and on the other Wednesdays of each month except July and August for the purpose of degree work. -
Seward Masonic Lodge No. 6 - Seward - Stated Meetings are held first Tuesdays, except July - August, third Friday in February, at 8:00 P.M. -
North Pole Masonic Lodge No. 16 - North Pole - Meets on the third Monday of each month for Stated communication and the first Monday of each month for the purpose of degree work. -
Kodiak Masonic Lodge No. 9 - Kodiak - Stated Meetings are held third Mondays, except June - August, at 8:00 P.M. -
Kenai Masonic Lodge No. 11 - Soldotna - Stated Meetings are held second and fourth Thursdays at 8:00 P.M except that during July, August & November, meetings are held on Second Thursdays only. -
Fairbanks Masonic Lodge No. 12 - Fairbanks - Meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month for Stated communication and on the 1st Thursday of each month except July and August for the purpose of degree work. -
Anchorage Masonic Lodge No. 17 - Anchorage - Meets second Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. Degree work and Fellowship are on all other Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. except for June, July and August. -