The Canadian Military Brat List - The purpose of this website is to help people whose parents were in the Canadian military find their childhood friends. -
Military-Brats Registry - This site is designed with the sole purpose of assisting Military Brats in finding each other. There is no cost to register, and no cost to search. -
Lakenheath Alumni Resources - An alumni directory and resource site for people who attended Lakenheath High School, RAF Lakenheath England -
Sembach Brats - A site dedicated to military dependents who lived on or near Sembach Air Base in Germany. -
Woodbridge American Schools - Information for alumni of Woodbridge American High School, Junior High School and elementary school in Suffolk, England. - - A meeting place for the former base kids (or brats) of Columbus AFB, Mississippi and their friends. Former military dependents of the air base outside Columbus, MS should look here for old friends. -
Military Brats Online - An online community, linking the children of the U. S. military with their heritage and each other. Military Brats can read about reunion and school announcements, link with past friends, family and online resources. -
Third Culture Kids - Dedicated to the support and understand Military Brats, Missionary Kids, Foreign Service and Corporate Kids, and others who have lived as children in foreign cultures. -