Korean War POW/MIA Network - Looking for a Missing Serviceman from the Korean War? We have the 944 List, Johnnie Johnson List, MIA/CAP Report, Air Intel and Air Force Manual 200-25, KT Interrogation Reports, POW/MIA Sightings, UTM Grid Maps, Remains and Prison Camp information, and m - http://www.koreanwarpowmia.net/
Korean War US POW's in Soviet Jails - A news story on American prisoners of wars captured during the Korean War and sent to Soviet prisons and labor camps. - http://www.kimsoft.com/korea/mia-russ.htm
Korean War Project - A non-profit corporation devoted to the study of the Korean War which includes photographs, recollections, message centers, POW/MIA information, & casualty databases. - http://www.koreanwar.org/
Coalition of Families of Korean & Cold War POW/MIA's - Families of American POW/MIAs from the Cold and Korean Wars, dedicated to a full accounting of all missing servicemen. - http://www.coalitionoffamilies.org/
2/Lt. Jimmy L. Escalle - A Tribute - A site that uses both words and pictures to honor an F-86 Sabre pilot who was reported missing in action during the Korean War. - http://www.jimmylescalle.com/
13th Bomb Squadron Association - A USAF Korean War veterans group. Site includes nose art, oral history, MIA's, strike targets, and numerous pictures. - http://www.13thbombsquadron.org/