RHA in Photographs - Images of the officers and NCOs of the 19th century Royal Horse Artillery. - http://members.dca.net/fbl/indexrha.html
Horse Artillery of 1802 - A scholarly analysis of the deployment and utility of horse artiller in the 19th century. - http://www.napoleon-series.org/military/organization/c_horsearty1.html
British Horse Artillery - On the organisation and tactics of UK mobile artillery during the Napoleonic wars. - http://www.napoleonguide.com/artillery_britain-royal-horse.htm
Wikipedia: Horse artillery - Open encyclopedia article on the emergence of horse-drawn cannon regiments. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_artillery
The Transvaal Horse Artillery - Unofficial home page for the South African regiment. Includes history, uniforms, and contact details. - http://homepages.acenet.co.za/tha/
The Royal Canadian Horse Artillery - Dispersed amongst three regiments, the RCHA perpetuates the traditions of the equestrian cannon of the 19th century. - http://www.artillery.net/english/units1rcha.htm
The King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery - Stationed in London, the regiment provides royal salutes and gun carriages for state funerals. - http://www.army.mod.uk/kingstprha/ceremon.htm