March Air Field Museum - Photos, specifications, and history. -
The B-29 Superfortress - Photos and extended history of the aircraft, including service over Japan and the Enola Gay. -
39th Bomb Group (VH) (Guam 1945) - Official site with unit and crew histories, individual veteran profiles, and mission summaries. -
The Last Flight of the B-29 Kee Bird - On February 21, 1947 a U.S. Army Air Corps arctic-modified B-29 (known as an F-13) named the "Kee Bird" became lost, ran out of fuel and was forced to crash land. The story is told by the crew members. -
Desert USA - Article titled "B-29 Superfortress Saved From a Desert Death". An army of museum volunteers rescues a World War II B-29 Superfortress from the desert for restoration. -
Warbird Alley - Photo, history, and statistics. -
Dave Norton - Creative writing titled "Requiem for an Aircraft, Farewell to a Pilot", about flying in a Superfortress. -
General Paul Tibbets - The official site of General Paul Tibbets, pilot of the B-29 "Enola Gay" that dropped the Hiroshima bomb. -
National Air and Space Museum - Photos and history of the Superfortress and the "Enola Gay." -