Military Portrait Painting - Offers military style portrait painting services produced by artist James Gehrig. -
Russian State Library - Official website of the department of military literature.The central library of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. -
Soldier Works - Works of importance by war veteran authors including stories,poetry and multimedia published by veterans of current and past conflicts describing the experiences related to their involvement during and after war. -
RUSI Duke of Westminster's Medal for Military Literature - Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies information on the Duke of Westminster's Medal for Military Literature. -
Ernst Jünger in Cyberspace - An introduction to the life and works of Ernst Jünger, 1895-1998, together with bibliographies and some critical perspectives. -
The Hydra - A journal produced by the patients resident at Craiglockhart Military Hospital during the First World War. -
Anthem For A Doomed Youth - Writers and literature of the Great War, 1914-1918. -
American Experience - War Letters - Feature about war letters from the American Revolution to Desert Storm. Film description, transcript of letters, timeline, gallery, and teacher's guide. -