Heartwood Consulting Services, LLC - Heartwood Consulting Services, LLC is a professional forestry and arboriculture consulting firm dedicated to the conservation, preservation and management of trees and landscapes. - http://www.heartwoodconsulting.net/
Brudi & Partner - German Consultant specializing in urban forestry analyze the safety of trees world wide with the unique elasto-inclino method (pulling test method). Surveying and tree inventories with award winning ISiman software. - http://www.tree-consult.org/
John Sevier - Certified arborist, tree maintenance contractor, and court qualified tree safety expert. - http://treeexpert.com/
Barmentloo Forestry Consultant - Consultant for matters relating to commercial plantations and natural forests. - http://www.barmentloo.net/
Timber Technology Authority, LLC - Consultation and expert testimony related to wood science and technology, forest products, and wood based structures. Minneapolis, Minnesota. - http://www.timbertechnology.com/
New England Forestry Consultants, Inc. - Consultants for the management, utilization and conservation of forest resources. Located in Massachusetts. - http://www.cforesters.com/