Stuart Maue - A legal fee auditing and legal bill review firm headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, and specializing in the review and auditing of legal bills resulting from complex litigation, national class actions, multi-district litigation, and fee applications fil -
eGlean - Legal55 Automatic Time Capture integrates with other software applications to capture time spent by professionals with zero clicks - - Web service, which tracks time and expenses, invoices clients, protects billing data, and provides management reports. -
Versys Corporation - Develops the Legal Insight law office automation system, and provides turnkey installation services and ongoing product enhancements. Located in San Francisco, California, USA. -
Morningstar Holding Corporation - CaseLode legal software includes time accounting and billing, conflict of interest, trust accounting, general ledger, financials, accounts payable, disbursements, docket control, scheduling and payroll. -
Chaos Software - Legal Billing tracks time and expenses and prints invoices in a billing program for small law firms and for sole practitioners. Supports shared database for multiple users on a network. -
PowerLaw, Inc. - Software for time and billing, accounts payable, cash receipts, general ledger, conflicts, case management and more functions. -
Whitehill Technologies Inc. - Software combines data from disparate sources, then assembles, formats and distributes documents including invoices, statements, cover letters, and remittance slips to any printer, as an email attachment, or to an intranet for on-line viewing. -
Elite Information Systems - International provider of a comprehensive suite of financial and practice management products including time, billing and accounting software for law firms. Also offering consulting services. -
Omega Legal Systems - Integrated time & billing, accounting, case and practice management software for law firms, including task codes and electronic billing. -
ProVantage Software, Inc. - Law firm financial software including time and billing, account management, general ledger and financial analysis. Company provides a full range of services including consulting, support, training, and migration services. -
Hummingbird Software - Maker of Fee Saver, legal bill review and auditing software. Also customized software and webpage creation. -
Tussman Legal Billing Software - Legal time and billing software created by an attorney for attorneys includes accounting, docket/calendar, and remote entry. -
ESI-LAW - Integrated accounting, time, billing and practice management software for the United States, Canadian and international legal professions. -
Orion Law Management Systems, Inc. - Software development company specializing in financial and management software for the legal profession. Its billing and financial systems run on your NT or Novell networks as a client/server application. -
Micro-Craft.Net Legal Software - Verdict tracks billable time and produces itemized billing statements and reports. Other software packages are available in the Legal Series. -
SeaBill Corp. - Billing software for attorneys, for the Windows environment, designed to be simple yet powerful. Free demo. -
Juris, Inc. - Law office management software solutions designed to provide a seamless information system accessible anytime, from anywhere, by any authorized individual. -
RTG Bills - Windows-based legal time and billing program for solos and small law firms. -
Genlex - Time, billing, accounting, case management and real estate closing software provider. -
TABS III (Software Technology, Inc.) - Legal-specific time and billing system, eliminating the need to connect to a dedicated accounting program. -
PCLaw - Integrated law practice timekeeping, billing, trust accounting and management reporting. -