Northern Territory - NT WorkSafe: Workers' Compensation - Works with employers and employees to ensure injured workers have access to medical, pharmaceutical, rehabilitation costs and income support. -
Western Australia - WorkCover Western Australia - Regulates and monitors the performance of service providers, promotes injury management and vocational rehabilitation, and resolves disputed workers’ compensation matters. -
Victorian WorkCover Authority (VWA) - Manager of the state's workplace safety system. Responsibilities include enforcement of occupational health and safety laws, provide insurance for employers, and help injured workers back into the workforce. -
South Australia - WorkCover Corporation - A statutory authority, funded by employers, which provides cover for work-related injury claims, oversees rehabilitation and medical providers, and regulates occupational health and safety. -
Queensland - Q-Comp - Workers' compensation regulatory authority monitors compliance and performance of insurers, oversees medical assessment tribunals, and undertakes workplace rehabilitation accreditation and compliance activities. -