National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
- NAELA defines the scope of elder law and gives the latest news about legal issues affecting the elderly. Includes a searchable directory, a bibliography and resources.
Centre for Elder Law - University of Western Sydney, Australia - The Centre supports the advancement and awareness of the legal interests of elders through research, education and advocacy. -
Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies - Carries out legal research, law reform, and education in areas of the law that have particular application to older adults. Includes publications on specialized topics. -
Timothy L. Takacs - Articles and an email newsletter on elder law issues, from an Arizona attorney. -
Legal Corner at SeniorMag - Provides information related to senior's legal issues such as wills, trusts, probate, social security and grandparent rights. -
National Senior Citizens Law Center - NSCLC publishes the latest updates on a wide variety of issues and benefits affecting seniors. -
Virginia Senior Citizens Handbook - From the Senior Lawyers Section and the Young Lawyers Conference of the State Bar, this comprehensive guide reviews laws affecting seniors in Virginia. -
New York State Bar Association - Elder Law Section - Resources available include reports on recently decided cases, elder law resources and access to helpful publications prepared by the Section. -
Connecticut Elder law - Provides comprehensive, current information on elder law, government programs and legal assistance for residents of Connecticut age 60 and older. -
Paul B. Bartlett, PC - Guide to Arizona elder law. -