Media Libel - Overview of libel, transcripts of notable cases, and hypothetical scenarios of cases to test readers' comprehension of libel law. -
NewsDesk-UK: This is Libel - Overview of British libel law for the general reader. -
English Libel Law and the E.U. Provisions Governing Free Movement of Goods - David F. Dieteman claims that "English defamation law conflicts with E.U. free movement of goods provisions because the massive and unpredictable liabilities of English libel law have "equivalent effect" to restrictions on trade." -
Defamation - Excerpt from David Hurd's Employee Survival Handbook covering defamation in the workplace. -
Defamation Law and Free Speech - Leaflet with information about legal rights and options for action for people who may be threatened by a legal action or who are worried about something they want to say or publish. -
Basics of Minnesota Defamation Law - General information provided by an attorney based in Minneapolis. -