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  Training (116)

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Featured Websites in this category
Featured Site InterFire Open in a new browser windowLink Details
- Virtual reality training for fire and arson investigators.
- http://www.interfire.org/

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Regular Websites in this category

Surveillance Training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Surveillance Training Courses and Surveillance Training Manuals from Intel Security Services
- http://www.intelsecurity.co.uk

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Law Enforcement Language Training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Tactical Spanish language training for law enforcement personnel, including slang, gang terminology and common expressions in police-oriented situations. Describes courses, and materials, lists clients, and provides a biography of the instructor, Alejandr
- http://www.alejandra.net/

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Profiler Open in a new windowLink Details
- An interactive PC driving product for testing and training police, EMS, and fire driver safety.
- http://www.profiler-vr.com/

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Government Training Institute (ID) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Law Enforcement Training and Police Training programs for tactical, anti terrorism, and airport safety.
- http://www.gtitraining.com/

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The Security Institute Open in a new windowLink Details
- Member organization promoting and endorsing high standards in the education and training of security professionals.
- http://www.security-institute.org/

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Hostage Negotiations Training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Information about the Advanced Hostage Negotiation Certification course held in May 2002.
- http://www.campbellpd.com/HostageNegotiations.html

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Police Motorcycle Training (PA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Motorcycle training for law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania and the surrounding area
- http://users.adelphia.net/~pigsly/default.htm

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Holtz Learning Centers (NJ) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Holtz Learning Centers, Ltd. (HLC) is a continuing education provider for law enforcement officers, corrections officers, private security officials and other practitioners and educators in criminal justice and public safety.
- http://www.holtzlearningcenters.com

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Midwest Counterdrug Training Center Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Midwest Counterdrug Training Center provides free counterdrug training to law enforcement officers in the Midwest and Northwest United States.
- http://www.counterdrugtraining.com

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KNRControl Open in a new windowLink Details
- PPCT techniques taught to law enforcement and corrections officer.
- http://www.knrcontrol-ppct.com

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LE Press (RI) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Law enforcement use of force education and training.
- http://www.lepress.com

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Cop Network Open in a new windowLink Details
- Cop Network was developed for Law Enforcement in an effort to provide Police Training, Law Enforcement Training, Sheriff, POST Training, In Service, Online Training, Public Safety Training, Police Academy. Sign UP, Browse, Add classes.
- http://copnetwork.com/home/

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South Carolina Association of School Resource Officers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Resource for all School Resource Officers in South Carolina.
- http://scasro.org

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Tennessee Tactical Police and Paramedic Association Open in a new windowLink Details
- We provide training opportunities in special techniques and tactics to police and medical specialists who would potentially be involved in critical incidents that exceed the capabilities of general first responders.
- http://ttppa.com

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Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy Open in a new windowLink Details
- State of Wyoming Police Academy
- http://www.wleacademy.com/

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ITR International Training Resources, LLC Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specializes in basic, advanced, instructor, command level courses and support services that meet the operational needs of law enforcement agencies and the duty requirements of field officers and commanders.
- http://itr-swat.com

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Tactical Concepts (CA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides tactical training to law enforcement, military, corrections, and SWAT. Training in firearm, arrest and control, chemical agent, tactic, baton, and less lethal in California.
- http://www.tactical-concepts.com

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Verbal Judo - Tactical Communication Open in a new windowLink Details
- Verbal Judo is a tactical communication training course. The principles and tactics taught enable graduates to use "Presence and Words" to achieve the desired outcome of an encounter.
- http://www.verbaljudo.org

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Domestic Violence Video Open in a new windowLink Details
- Informative for domestic violence workers, law enforcement officials and youth dealing with dating violence.
- http://newenglandusa.com/arts_ed/smd.html

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Arrestling DT Training Groups (WA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Arrestling DT Training Groups:Founder Deputy Don Gulla Started the group at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center. Washington State now has 4 Arrestling Defensive Tactics Training Groups across the state.
- http://www.arrestling.com/

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Association of Training Officers of MN Open in a new windowLink Details
- It is the mission of the A.T.0.M. to promote the highest professional standards of peace officer training and education. ATOM is concerned with the advancement of the art and science of Peace Officer training. We do this by developing, exchanging and
- http://creatingorder.com/atom/atom.html

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Forensic Identification Training Seminars (AZ) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Forensic Identification Training Seminars, LLC is a company specializing in professional training for Forensic Identification specialist. Offers training in areas such as: Crime Scene Investigation, Shooting Reconstruction, Digital Imaging, and Footwear C
- http://www.foridents.com/

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NRA - Law Enforcement Activities Division Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing law enforcement instructors with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach their students how to win lethal encounters
- http://www.nrahq.org/safety/law

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The Praesidium Group (OK) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Committed to providing our students with the finest use of force training available today through the use of proper technique, state of the art tactics, and a powerful mindset.
- http://www.thepraesidiumgroup.com

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Police Training Seminars & Videos by Buck Savage Open in a new windowLink Details
- Free police training videos and police training seminars by Dave Smith & Associates aka Buck Savage
- http://www.jdbucksavage.com

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Survivewise (OH) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Survivewise offers seminars on violence in the work place, hostage negotiation, and stress debriefing. Provides law enforcement and corporate training.
- http://www.survivewise.com/

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National Academy of Police Diving (FL) Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Cutting Edge in Police Diver Training
- http://www.policediver.com

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Pat Whelan Training - OSPRE Training and more (UK) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Pat Whelan Training offers structured study courses for the OSPRE part 1 examinations, both for Constable to Sergeant and Sergeant to Inspector.
- http://www.patwhelantraining.co.uk

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NCALT (UK) Open in a new windowLink Details
- World leaders in critical incident simulation. Based in the UK, NCALT provide simulation training used in law enforcement across the world in murder investigation, critical incidents and public order.
- http://www.ncalt.com

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Advance Training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Specialists in training software for the OSPRE Part 1 police exams in England and Wales. A series of multiple choice questions to help you revise. Free demonstration version.
- http://www.adv.co.uk

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Law Enforcement Executive Program (NC) Open in a new windowLink Details
- building pro-active leadership among law enforcement executives, which will enable them to manage their most critical current and future challenges effectively.
- http://www2.chass.ncsu.edu/aomp/LEEP.html

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HeadSets911 (FL) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Stress identification and reduction training for emergency dispatchers
- http://www.headsets911.com

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Inside The Tape Seminars (VA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides lectures and instructions in the area of death investigation and related forensic fields.
- http://www.insidethetape.com/

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Task International Open in a new windowLink Details
- Security training and operations team specializing in close protection, bodyguards, defensive driving, hostage rescue, military and police training, corporate crisis management and kidnap insurance.
- http://www.task-int.com/

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Auto Theft Training Course Open in a new windowLink Details
- "The Modern Forensic Approach To Auto Theft Investigation" Training course CD for auto theft and fraud investigation.
- http://www.autotheftexpert.com

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Total Survival Seminars (NV) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Law enforcement, police training and consultation from Alexis Artwohl.
- http://www.alexisartwohl.com/

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Temple University Criminal Justice Training Programs (PA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- A division of the Department of Criminal Justice at Temple University which conducts basic training, continuing education, and training curricula development for criminal justice professionals.
- http://www.temple.edu/cjtp

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Dodson Training Resources Inc. (TX) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Police leadership, integrity, ethics training and business management from a Texas based company: we provide quality, principle based leadership and integrity training to public safety agencies and others.
- http://www.dodsontraining.com/

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Public Agency Training Council Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering a curriculum of over one hundred topics of academy quality training programs including Fire Service and Law Enforcement.
- http://www.patc.com/

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National Investigation Training Services (AU) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Australian training in fire investigation, fraud criminology, investigations and corrections.
- http://www.investigatortraining.org/

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Administrative Officers Management Program (NC) Open in a new windowLink Details
- AOMP is an unique educational experience. It offers participants the opportunity to earn fifteen college credits in a rigorous twelve week program. AOMP has graduated over 900 officers representing 121 law enforcement agencies.
- http://www2.chass.ncsu.edu/aomp/

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Copbiz Open in a new windowLink Details
- Copbiz is a website for the Law Enforcement Training Professional.
- http://www.copbiz.com

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Multijurisdictional Counterdrug Task Force Training Open in a new windowLink Details
- MCTFT provides tuition-free, counterdrug training programs for law enforcement officers and public officials using state-of-the-art classroom and distance learning techniques.
- http://www.mctft.com

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National Crime Investigation & Training (CA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- The answer for your physical evidence collection, preservation, interpretation, and crime investigation training needs.
- http://www.ncit.com

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Key Testing & Review Inc. (NJ) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Law enforcement promotion exam preparation programs.
- http://www.keytesting.com

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Ospre Promotions Limited Open in a new windowLink Details
- Training for police recruitment, for interview preparation to help you pass Police promotion examinations
- http://www.ospre.co.uk

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Advanced Law Enforcement Academy (MI) Open in a new windowLink Details
- A police in-service academy offering classes for patrol, SWAT, narcotics, dignitary protection and K-9.
- http://www.policeprotection.com

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National Law Enforcement Training Center Open in a new windowLink Details
- The NLETC certifies law enforcement, corrections, military and security trainers in numerous internationally-recognized use-of-force training programs.
- http://www.nletc.com

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Community Policing Training Initiative Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides training to Russian and Ukrainian police, educators, and government agencies in the fields of community policing and juvenile narcotics prevention.
- http://cpti.projectharmony.ru

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The Police Marksman magazine Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Police Marksman magazine offers realistic information that you can use in your struggle for survival on the streets.
- http://www.policemarksman.com

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Law Enforcement Intelligence Training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers training seminars for officers and administrators.
- http://www.police-intelligence.com

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Florida Counterdrug Training Academy (FCTA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Florida National Guard provides military skills training at no cost to law enforcment officers.
- http://www.floridacounterdrug.com

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Institute for Criminal Justice Education Open in a new windowLink Details
- Nonprofit organization which provides free or low cost training, legal articles, periodicals and books of interest to law enforcement officers and prosecutors.
- http://www.icje.org/

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Investigator Training International (UK) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Investigator Training International specialises in the design and delivery of competency, proficiency and specialist training for all levels in government agencies and private organisations who have a role the investigation, enforcement or prosecution of
- http://www.internationaltraining.co.uk

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Law Enforcement Tactical Training Association (MN) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides tactile training to the law enforcement and correctional industries. Based in Duluth, Minnesota.
- http://www.letta.org/

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Institute for Intergovernmental Research Open in a new windowLink Details
- IIR is a research and training organization specializing in law enforcement, juvenile justice, and criminal justice issues.
- http://www.iir.com

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Interviews & Interrogations Institute (CA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Our conviction-based approach teaches interview and interrogation techniques proven to increase victim and witness cooperation and the number of legally obtained admissions and confessions.
- http://getconfessions.com

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City of Shelter - Domestic Violence training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Video-based domestic violence training series. The series was designed to help with the development of a coordinated community response to domestic violence.
- http://www.cityofshelter.org

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Covert Operations Program Specialists (TN) Open in a new windowLink Details
- C.O.P.S. specializes in undercover and surveillance training for covert law enforcement officers.
- http://www.traincops.com

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Bombsecurity.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Bombsecurity.com is dedicated to providing the security, law enforcement, and EOD/IEDD communities with a central source for information on explosive-related protection issues
- http://www.bombsecurity.com/

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High Impact Training Solutions Open in a new windowLink Details
- Computer and web-based training for law enforcement, criminal justice, security, and public safety professionals.
- http://www.hits.astcorp.com/

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Naber Technical Enterprises Open in a new windowLink Details
- Training services for police and correctional officers. Course outline and contact information provided.
- http://www.nteusa.org/

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Carolinas Institute for Community Policing Open in a new windowLink Details
- Training for Police, Sherrifs, Criminal Justice Agencies, and the Community
- http://www.cicp.org

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Domestic Violence Training Nationwide Open in a new windowLink Details
- Domestic violence training conferences are held across the US. Register online!
- http://www.domesticviolencetraining.com

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The Backup Police Training (ID) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Interactive police training classes. Top Instructors.
- http://www.thebackup.com/

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Public Training Institute Open in a new windowLink Details
- The mission of the Public Training Institute is to provide the highest quality training seminars at affordable prices.
- http://www.publictraining.com

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Personal Protection Consultants, Inc. (PA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering training in modern techniques use of handcuffs, Oleoresin Capsicum Aerosol Spray, and batons.
- http://ppcitraining.com

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Northeast Counterdrug Training Center (PA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing free training, lodging and meals to drug law enforcement officers in the Northeast United States. Various 3-5 day courses available.
- http://www.counterdrug.org

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Money Laundering detection and prevention training Open in a new windowLink Details
- Money Laundering detection and prevention training taught by Michael Hearns a south Florida veteran police officer who spent nearly 10 years undercover in the money laundering and narcotic underworld
- http://launderingmoney.com/

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Police Training Institute at the University of Illinois Open in a new windowLink Details
- Located on the campus of the University of Illinois, PTI has trained over 52,000 law enforcement officers since being established by the Illinois legislature in 1955.
- http://www.pti.uiuc.edu

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Investigative Training Group, Inc. (FL) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing seminars and specialized consultations covering the topics of criminal investigation, crime scene investigation, police photography and all aspects of fingerprint identification.
- http://www.itgincjax.com

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Behavior Analysis Training Institute Open in a new windowLink Details
- Teaching forensic investigative communication techniques, specializing in the gathering of court admissible statements and detecting deception.
- http://www.liedetection.com/index.htm

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Florida LEGAL, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Promoting diversity, acceptance, and non-discrimination of all classes of persons in our communities and within the criminal justice profession.
- http://www.fla-legal.com/

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The Taylor Group (FL) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Professional training solutions for law enforcement, corporate security, emergency response personnel and civilians.
- http://www.taylorgroup.net/

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Police Training Institute, Inc. (OH) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Advanced Law Enforcement training
- http://www.policetrainers.org

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Specialized Tactical Training Unit (CA) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Advanced training and studies in law enforcement and military special operations: cqb: sniper counter sniper: dive ops: maritime interdiction: alpine and cold weather warfare
- http://www.sttu.com

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Lisa Konrath, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- Workshops for police trainers, instructor & curriculum development, supervision & management training, FTO Programs & advanced police training.
- http://www.lisakonrath.com

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Trojan International (AK)(UK) Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing advanced training including, tactics, protection, surveillance, intelligence and special operations K9.
- http://www.trojansecurities.com

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NJ Police Training Commission Open in a new windowLink Details
- Police Training Commission is responsible for the development and certification of basic training courses for county and local police, officers, investigators, and law enforcement personnel.
- http://www.state.nj.us/lps/dcj/njptc/

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Community Treatment and Supervision of Juvenile Sex Offenders Open in a new windowLink Details
- Marjorie Glieden, a retired Senior Deputy Probation Officer from California, offers a training manual and training to professionals who deal with a juvenile sex offender population.
- http://home.earthlink.net/~mglieden

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Crisis Resolution Training Consultants, Inc. Open in a new windowLink Details
- C.R.T.C. is a private consulting agency that provides specialized training to military, law enforcement, and civilian personnel.
- http://www.benniecooley.com

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Policetraining.net Open in a new windowLink Details
- The national calendar for law enforcement training. Includes a search function, to look for classes related to law enforcement.
- http://www.policetraining.net

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Criminal Justice School at Kaplan College Open in a new windowLink Details
- Kaplan College offers law enforcement professionals degrees in Criminal Justice through distance education. Students may earn their degrees while on the job.
- http://www.criminaljusticeschool.com

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Intellicon Open in a new windowLink Details
- Law enforcement training in electronic surveillance, surveillance equipment engineering, audio intercepts and deviant groups, movements, cults and religions.
- http://www.intellicon.org/

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Dive Rescue International Open in a new windowLink Details
- Providing aquatic rescue, recovery and investigative training to public safety personnel worldwide.
- http://www.diverescueintl.com

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Intelysis Training Seminars Open in a new windowLink Details
- Fire, arson and explosives investigation training. Internet and database resources for investigators seminars. "Pro bono" seminars for law enforcement and fire service. Crisis management training, survey and "in house" services.
- http://www.ziegler-inv.com/zigacad.htm

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En-Mark Law Enforcement Simulation Technologies Open in a new windowLink Details
- Nationwide sales and lease of FATS firearm training systems and DTS driver's training systems. En-Mark is an authorized sales agent for both FATS, Inc. and FAAC, Inc.
- http://www.en-mark.com

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Sniper's Paradise Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dedicated to training police marksman, military snipers, and civilian sharpshooters.
- http://www.snipersparadise.com

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Texas Engineering Extension Service Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering training to the law enforcement community and to related personnel from local, sta