Jackson County District Attorney - Information on programs and departments of the office, contact information for victim support services, and a general description of the criminal justice process in Mississippi. - http://www.co.jackson.ms.us/DS/DistrictAttorney.html
15th Circuit Court District Attorney - Mission statement, information for victims and for law enforcement officers, and "I fought the law and the law won" background music. - http://15thdistrictda.datastar.net/
10th Circuit Court District Attorney - Information on the office and on its victims assistance and its worthless checks programs, and contact information. - http://www.lauderdalecounty.org/district_attorney.htm
9th Circuit Court District Attorney - Office directory and information on criminal justice, forms for police officers, and news. - http://www.msda9.com/
Mississippi Attorney General - Information on state law, the legislature, and law enforcement. - http://www.ago.state.ms.us/